19. Horrible Dreams

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I opened my eyes to see the cloudy night sky above me as it rained. I sat up and looked around confused, I wasn't sure where I was. It looked similar to the neighborhood I'd lived in with Miss Diana but it was abandoned, homes where burned, some had broken windows and the doors pulled of their hinges. I slowly got of the ground and cringed at the way my wet clothes had stuck to by body almost restricting my movements.

"Hello? Can anyone here me?!" I yelled but it came out just above a whisper. With a sigh I cautiously began to walk around. I'd been walking for a few minutes when suddenly I saw a dark figure ahead of me, I ran trying to catch up but they were to fast.

"Wait! Hey! Do you know where we are? Hello?!" I asked but again my voice was barely above a whisper.

"Star!" I heard a familiar voice call from behind and I quickly turned around. It was Molly

"Molly, where are we?" I asked but she didn't answer she just turned an started to walk. I followed her struggling to catch up as we approached a house. The closer we got to the house the less it rained and I recognized it as Diana's house.

It was the same beautiful cyan blue and white house with the charcoal grey roof just as I remembered it. In the yard was the same garden of the pink and yellow lilies I'd insisted we have every spring, my childhood bike lay discarded on its side next to a soccer ball and a long forgotten jump rope. I felt tears in my eyes as I studied every detail

"Well aren't you going to come inside darlin?" I looked to the front door where Diana stood. She wore her paint splashed yellow sundress that had always complimented her dark sun kissed brown skin. Her beautiful curly black hair held out of her face by a red bandanna.

"Well come darlin, everyone's waitin for you." She smiled as she stepped back in the house

"What? Who's waitin?" I asked my voice finally reaching a normal volume. As I followed her inside I could hear people laughing we went to the living and there I saw the Potters, the Weasleys, my dads, Finn, Hermione, and Cedric

"What's goin on?" I asked looking around but once they saw me there smiles faded turning to looks of disgust

"Why is she here?" Cedric groaned

"She shouldn't be here." The twins complained

"What are y'all talkin about?" I asked confused looking at them

"What are you stupid or something?" Pa asked with a laugh

"Just leave Star, we were all much happier before you came along." Harry snapped angrily

"Why are y'all bein so mean to me?" I asked as my eyes started to water

"Oh here we go, now she's crying." Ron sighed

"You're pathetic, you know that?" Moo sighed rolling his eyes as someone knocked on the door.

"Finally!" Molly said getting up to open the door. On the other side stood Greg and Rose both with sickening smiles on there faces

"No! Get away!" I yelled as they began to walk towards me.

"Shut up! God you're so annoying!" Ginny yelled and everyone laughed nodding in agreement

"No. No, I'm sorry! I'm sorry. Please don't let them take me. Harry! Dad! Dad!" I yelled as I was being dragged out of the house


My eyes shot open and I was in my bed at Hogwarts. I couldn't breathe it was like someone poured cement in my lungs. I felt someone wrap there arms around me.

"Star? Breathe. Star you have to calm down!" I heard Hermione say in a panicked voice but it wasn't helpful in the slightest

"Star... listen to my voice okay....I need you to calm down, breathe with me. In......and out....in....and out." Ginny said calmly after awhile I'd finally stopped hyperventilating but I still felt like I was drowning

"Star, can you tell me five things you can see?" Ginny whispered

"Hermione....my blanket...your quidditch poster...Lavender's shoes....and...and my sketch book." I said looking around

"Good and now four things you can touch?"

"Your hand...the pillow...my wand...crookshanks." I said slowly feeling better

"Three things you can hear?"

"The sound of your voice...crookshanks snorin...and the clock tickin." I smiled softly as Hermione handed me a glass of water and some chocolate

"Perfect, two things you can smell?"

"Hermione's perfume and old parchment."

"You're doing great, last thing, tell me one thing you can taste."

"Chocolate." I smiled and she hugged me again.

"Feeling better?" Hermione asked softly and I nodded

"What happened?" I asked looking at the two girls

"You were having some kind of nightmare, screaming and thrashing around." Ginny said worried

"I'm sorry I woke you." I mumbled

"It's alright, but are you okay? It seemed pretty bad." Hermione asked

"Yea I think I'll be alright. Hey Ginny how'd you know what to do?"

"Fred and George used to have anxiety attacks I watched Charlie and Bill do that same thing to calm them down loads of times. Thought I'd give it a shot." She shrugged happily

"I'm sorry I wasn't to helpful." Hermione blushed

"It's alright Mione. I don't blame you." I said as we all hugged

"Well I think we should try to get back to slee-" I was cut off by yelling coming from downstairs.

"Or not." I laughed as the three of us went to the common room after waking Lavender who had managed to sleep through my screaming.

"What's goin on?" I whispered to Seamus who shrugged leaning his head against my shoulder

"I'm telling you he was here!" Ron yelled out looking around for someone to believe him.

"Ronnie, what are you goin on about?" I sighed leaning my head against Seamus'

"Your bloody dad was in the castle!" He yelled

"Yea Ron he's our professor, can we go back to bed now?" Lee asked yawning

"Not Lupin-" he was a to explain as McGonagal walked into the common room

"What is the meaning of this, Percy I would have thought you'd have better control than this." She sighed

"Yea Perce what's the meaning of this?!" I asked loudly as Seamus and a few others tried to hold in their laughs

"Star, this is serious." Ron groaned

"No you're Ro-" I was cut off by Seamus putting a hand over my mouth. Everyone turned from me to McGonagal as Ron began to frantically explain what happened.

"How would he have gotten in without the password?" Dean mumbled from next to me and I shrugged staying quiet once I saw the clear distress on the ginger boy's face. Dream or not there's no way Ron was lying but what the hell is Sirius doing. I thought back to my dreams or rather my visions of the future as Ron calls them, if scabbers really was Pettigrew I'd have to figure out a way to prove it before my dad got himself killed. Although seeing as said rat was believed dead and currently in crookshanks' stomach this is going to be difficult. Looks like I'm studying animagi now.

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