46. Boys Suck

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The four of us walked into the three broomsticks and we were all about to sit down when Harry pulled Ron to sit next to him instead of next to me

"No, sit aside me."

"Okay..." Ron mumbled confused

"Something to drink?" The waiter asked

"Three butterbeers and some ginger in mine, please and she'll have a hot chocolate." Hermione smiled

"Oh bloody hell would you look at that." Ron groaned and we turned to see Ginny on a date with Luna

"Honestly Ronald, see they're only holding hands...and snogging." Hermione rolled her eyes

"I'd like to leave." He stated

"What? You can't be serious." I laughed before thanking the waiter for bringing our drinks

"That happens to be my sister." He complained

"So? What if she looked over and saw you snogging Star? Would you expect her to get up and leave?" Hermione asked

"Harry, my boy!" Slughorn cheered clearly intoxicated as he stopped at our table accidentally spilling his drink on my shirt

"Hello sir, so wonderful to see you." Harry smiled

"And you, and you." Slughorn smiled sloshing his cup around getting even more of his drink on me and I groaned

"Will you excuse me." I mumbled before rushing to the bathroom in hopes of saving the cream colored top I was wearing that now had a large brown stain on the front.

Luckily I had a tank top on so I just pulled my shirt off and ran the stain under cold water.

After awhile it became pretty clear that the shirt was ruined and I sighed

"Star?" Hermione called from outside the door and I opened it.

"Ron told me to bring this to you." She smiled handing me his hoodie

"Thank you." I mumbled putting it on and grabbing my soaked shirt


"Did you hear what she was saying back there? About us snogging?" Ron asked Harry and I as we watched Hermione stagger around seemingly a bit tipsy

"Well you could at least attempt not to sound completely disgusted by the thought darlin." I joked

"I'm not dis-" He was cut off by a loud scream and we looked to see Katie Bell floating in the air before her body slammed back down on the ground

"I warned her. I warned her not to touch it." Leanne screamed pointing to the package on the ground and we took a step forward only to be stopped by the sound of Hagrid's voice

"Don't get any closer! Get back, all of you. Do not touch that, except for the wrappings. Do you understand?" He said


"You're sure Katie did not have this in her possession when she entered the Three Broomsticks?" McGonagal asked Leanne as we stood in her office

"It's like I said. She left to go to the loo. And when she came back, she had the package. She said it was important that she deliver it." Leanne explained on the verge of tears

"Did she say to whom?" Minnie asked

"To Professor Dumbledore." She responded softly, silently accepting the tissue I offered her

"Very well. Thank you, Leanne. You may go. Why is it when something happens, it is always you four?" McGonagal asked turning to us

"Magnificent question really, I'd say-" I was cut off by Ron putting his hand over my mouth

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