20. Detenton and flirting

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I swear I'd better get some type of fucking award for the amount of self control I have, because if I have to talk to that dumb bitch Pansy Parkinson one more time I might just stab her with a spoon! Speak of the fucking devil here she comes.

"Well if it isn't little miss Starla." She said in a nasally voice as she walked over to me with two random slytherin girls to where I sat in the courtyard

"Go away Parkinson." I said not even looking at her as I was reading about animagus forms

"Don't be rude Scarlet, we're just trying to be nice." One of the girls who I believe was named Astoria laughed

"Go be 'nice' to someone else. I'm busy."

"Why are your eyes different colors? Did you dad curse you or something?" Millicent laughed along with the other two

"That wasn't even funny." I sighed

"Speaking of dad's, I heard daddy dearest broke in again last night. Maybe he'll kill you and that stupid idiot Potter." Pansy laughed and I slammed my book closed standing to my feet.

"Don't talk about things you don't understand Parkinson. And for the love of God my name is Star! Also Millicent read a fucking book, it's called Heterochromia iridum." I yelled angrily turning to walk away only to be pulled back by Pansy yanking my hair.

'Star Carina Lupin-Black! You have to stop hexing your peers!' Hermione had yelled after finding out I'd cursed Marcus Flint for bullying Ginny

I swung the book in my hand and it collided hard with Pansy's nose

"You bitch! You broke her nose!" Astoria yelled pulling her wand out.

"Wands away!" McGonagal yelled walking over to us.


"What do you two have to say for yourselves?" McGonagal asked as Pansy and I now sat in her office along with Snape and Moo.

"I'd like to say... you're lookin rather lovely today Minnie, new hair cut?" I winked and she tried to hide her smile

"Parkinson why don't you tell us what happened?" Snape asked and I rolled my eyes at the girls horrible attempt of fake crying. She sounds like a dying cat.

"Th-there I was, completely mi-minding my own bu-business-"

"I'm gonna stop you right there. Pansy what the fuck are you doing with your face?" I asked with a laugh and I could hear Moo chuckle beside me.

"I wouldn't be doing anything with my face if you didn't break my nose!" She cried and I shrugged looking at Minnie who was shaking her head in disappointment

"I saw enough of what happened. Detention tomorrow both of you."

"Can't I've got detention with Flitwick tomorrow for hexing Flint but I'm free the day after." I smiled and she sighed but nodded

"Parkinson my office 6pm tomorrow and Lupin-Black 6pm the day after. You're both dismissed."


"Did you break Pansy Parkinson's nose?!" Hermione asked the minute I stepped foot in the common room

"Of course not Mione...." I mumbled looking at my angry best friend.


"Ok fine but it was her fault this time I swear!"

"You said that the last time!" Hermione scolded

"And it was her fault the last time! I told her not to fuck with me, but darlin the bitch just keeps fuckin with me!" I yelled throwing me hands in the air.


"Star, five galleons says you won't throw this dung bomb in Snapes classroom." Fred smiled

"No no no!" Harry said taking the dung bomb from George

"Aww come on!"

"Star your like one detention away from being expelled!" Ron laughed

"Oh please, like Dumbledore would actually expel anyone." I rolled my eyes

"The answer is still no, go bother your boyfriend if you're so bored." Harry joked and I smiled

"You know what, I just might do that. I'll se you later my loves!" I declared as I got up running to the quidditch pitch where I knew Cedric would be.


I was currently in the courtyard with Cedric as we sat under the tree with my head in his lap. He was reading a book and I was just watching the students walking by when I got an idea.

"So...darlin, you come here often?" I asked smiled up at him

"Like to the courtyard? We literally come out here every- are you trying to flirt with me?" He asked holding back his laugh as he looked down at me.

"Yes, I've got more." I smiled

"Okay let's hear it."

"Did it hurt?" I asked softly

"Did what hurt love?"

"Well when you fell from heaven of course." I joked as a blush grew across his cheeks.

"Aww darlin!" I smiled leaning up to kiss his cheek. He smiled going back to his book.

"Ooo I just thought of one!" He smiled and I nodded for him to continue

"I know I'm a seeker but baby you're a keeper I've been looking for!" He smiled as we both laughed

"Aww aren't you two just the cutest!" Cho said walking over to us.

"Hi Cho! How's it going." Cedric smile at her

"Just here to tell Star that Professor Dumbledore was looking for her." She smiled and I nodded sitting up.

"Well thank you Cho, I'll see you both later." I smiled kissing Cedric's cheek before running off.


"You needed me Professor?" I asked walking into Dumbledore's office

"Yes, I wanted to know if you had any more of your 'dreams' recently." He smiled and I shook my head sitting down

"Sorry, I'm afraid I haven't but I've found it best not to share them anymore."

"Oh, and why's that?"

"Just because I can see the future doesn't mean I can change it. Tell me Professor what would you do if you could see years into the future but you couldn't do anything to change it?" I asked propping my feet up on the corner of his desk

"I suppose that makes sense, and when you say see years into to future, how far can you see?" He asked leaning forward with a hesitant and curious look in his eyes

"I don't always know, sometimes it's just images of events and other times it could be words that describe an event but rarely do I see dates. But far enough I suppose." I shrugged and he nodded

"Very well, you may go." He sighed and I nodded

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