45. The Halfblood Prince

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I was sitting on the train in a compartment with Draco and Blaise.

"Ok, tell me everything." I said after putting a silencing charm on the compartment. I sat across from them as he rolled up his left sleeve revealing the mark.

"Blaise do you-" I was cut off by him shaking his head

"Mum's told him that I'll get mine over Christmas but I think she was just buying time for me to escape." He explained

"And your task?" I asked Draco

"I have to get them in and.....he wants me to kill Dumbledore." He whispered almost to quite to hear.

"How are you meant to get them in?" I asked

"Vanishing cabinet." He said and we both nodded

"Are you going to tell Harry?" Blaise asked and we both looked at Draco

"I don't know how I would." He mumbled fixing his sleeve.

"Tell him the truth, tell him you don't want too, tell him that when this is all over you're coming to live with me. He'll understand and if he doesn't then it's his loss." I mumbled holding his hand

"If only it were that easy." He sighed before turning to Blaise

"Are you going to tell Neville?"

"Neville? What's Neville got to do with this?" Blaise asked and Draco an I gave him a 'are you serious' look and he sighed

"It's that obvious? You think he knows I like him?"

"He's never said anything to me, maybe he wants you to make the first move." I suggested

"Yea, yea I think I'll ask him to Hogsmead. Are you finally going to talk to Ron?" He asked and both boys turned to me

"I've actually been considering it. With everything that's going on, I don't want to regret not having confirmed what we are. We've gone on a few dates and we spend a lot of time together. I'd like to think we're dating or at least getting there." I shrugged when someone knocked on the compartment door, I reached over to pull the blinds up and saw Luna

"It's Luna." I announced and the boys nodded for me to open the door.

"Hello Star, Professor SlugHorn wants to see you and Blaise in his compartment." She smiled and I nodded

"Would you like some company Draco?" She asked softly and he nodded so she sat with him as Blaise and I left


Upon arriving to school we were all searched

"What do you think this is about?" I mumbled to Ron who shrugged

"Who knows." He whispered grabbing my hand and leading me to the carriages where we sat with Hermione, Blaise, Neville, and Ginny.

"Where are Harry, Draco, and Luna?" Neville asked looking around

"Probably got another carriage." Ron shrugged


As we all settle at our designated tables the sorting began. I noticed Draco slip into the great hall about half way through and I gave him a reassuring smile. Luna appear just before the sorting ended and Harry appeared as everyone started eating and he looked upset

"Something wrong?" I asked once he sat down next to me.

"I had an argument with Draco. He's hiding something from me and he won't tell me what." He responded

Their Daughter { Ron Weasley x OC}|COMPLETED|Where stories live. Discover now