07. Moo

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I'd woken up super early and snuck quietly to the living room to pack all my things into my trunk when I noticed a familiar rat. I couldn't put my finger on it but I knew that rat. I watched it run off somewhere almost as if it had been running from me.

I'd pack the last of my clothes away just as Fred came down the stairs

"Well good Morning Miss Star." He smiled happily

"Mornin Freddie, mornin George!" I said as George came down the stairs as well. Both twins stopped in their tracks and slowly turned to me.

"You can..."Fred started surprised

"Tell us apart?" George asked shocked and I nodded with a laugh

"Yep!" I said popping the 'p' before going upstairs to get dressed for the train.


We were now sitting on on the train, I was with Harry, Ron, and Hermione. There weren't any empty compartments so we sat in the emptiest compartment we could find with a man who appeared to be sleeping.

"Who do you reckon he is?" Ron asked an I shrugged studying him. Something about him was familiar.

"Professor R. J. Lupin." Hermione answered and my head immediately snapped towards her

"What?" I asked

"You know everything? How is it that she knows everything?" Ron asked

"It's on his suitcase Ronald." Hermione said pointing to the case on the shelf above us

"Harry do you think he's..."I whispered and Harry nodded

"Yea I'd say so." Harry whispered back


After Harry told us about Mr. Weasley's warning he then mentioned that it was now an extended warning to myself as well.

"Why would it be a warning for Star? She's only just got to Hogwarts." Ron asked

"I suppose that will be for me to explain then?" I asked as more of a statement than a question. Hermione and Ron nodded

"My name is Star Carina Lupin-Black. As in the daughter of Sirius Black." I explained as Hermione gasped

"I've read about you, went missing the night Harry's parents....well you know." Hermione said and I nodded

"Wait did you say Lupin?" Ron asked looking at the sleeping man

"I did, so he's either my father or a relative..." I said looking at the man next to me.

"It you went missing in 1981, why are you back now? Why not come back during first year?" Ron asked

"I've only recently learned I was a witch Ron, it's not nearly that simple. Also why do y'all keep saying missing? I didn't go missing." I asked confused

"Maybe it's best we not talk about this here?" Harry suggested and we all nodded.

"Why are we stopping?" Hermione asked worried when the train came to a holt

"Have we arrived?" I asked confused but she shook her head. It was suddenly very cold and the lights went out.

"Harry? Harry I don't like this." I panicked and I felt someone grab my hand.

"It will be alright Star just calm down." Ron said softly as he rubbed the back of my hand with his thumb but I could tell he was panicking as well

I felt movement to my left where the professor who may or may not be my dad sat just as the compartment door opened

It all happened so fast one moment I was sitting next to Harry and the next I was on the ground and I could hear Rose and Greg yelling insults at me, I could hear Miss Diana singing and I could here what sounded like Pa yelling in pain. Then it all stoped and I let out a breath I wasn't aware I'd been holding in.

"Everyone alright?" The Professor asked as Ron helped me to sit back in the seat.

"Star?" Professor asked shocked and I looked up at him

"Moo!" I smiled hugging him.

"How-you-I....impossible." He said looking shocked, happy, and terrified all at once.

"Well I'm standin here ain't I?" I joked rolling my eyes. He smiled handing each of us a piece of chocolate before leaving to talk to the conductor

"So...?" Harry asked

"He's my dad." I smiled but it slowly faded when I remembered he didn't come back for me.


Upon our arrival to Hogwarts I was told to follow the third years and pick a table to sit at because I'd be sorted after dinner.

I didn't mind and took the opportunity to sit with Harry, Hermione, and Ron.

After the first years were sorted I finally noticed Dumbledore and a memory flashed in my mind

"Pa? Moo?" Star asked looking up at the old man confused

"Wait here my child."


"They will be here soon. Just wait here, your father will come get you very soon." Dumbledore explained and the young girl nodded happily

"Pa comin." She whispered to herself as she watched Dumbledore walk away.

"Star are you alright?" Harry asked tapping my shoulder. I nodded quickly looking away from Dumbledore who I was unknowingly glaring at.

"Yes, I must of zoned out or somethin." I lied and Harry nodded believing me as we both turned to the food I could feel someone starring at me and I turned around to see a boy with blonde hair glaring at me and I smiled. He rolled his eyes quickly turning back to his table

"Who's the creepy blonde?" I whispered to Ron

"Oh that's Malfoy. Ignore him. He's a real git." Ron explained and I nodded eating my food silently. I didn't eat very much do to the small portions I was used to but what I did eat was delicious.


It was now after dinner and I waited at the entrance of the great hall as Hagrid had instructed me to.

"Star?" A woman called and I turned and saw a woman who matched Hermione's detailed description of McGonagal

"Yes that's me." I smiled

"Excellent, right this way dear, I'm Professor McGonagal." She smiled

"Star Lupin-Black." I smiled introducing myself and her eyes widened

"Oh Merlin, are you really?" She asked, her face showed a lot of different emotions as I nodded

"Now I understand the need for a private sorting." She sighed almost sadly as we walked.

The rest of the journey to Dumbledore's office was silent.

Once we arrived my dad was already there and he looked upset.

"Star..." he gasped with tears in his eyes

"Hello." I smiled softly not sure if I should be angry at him or Dumbledore.

Their Daughter { Ron Weasley x OC}|COMPLETED|Where stories live. Discover now