29. The Walsh's End

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(Mentions of abuse and violence beyond this point also there's a lot of mental dialogue that will basically show the effects of Star's abuse ie: the way she views herself)

I did it! I mentally smiled to myself as I jumped around in my animagus form. (Pictured above)  I heard the basement door open and I quickly forced myself to change back. Greg stubbles down the stairs and I quickly noticed two things one: he was completely plastered and two: he had a small hand gun.

"I'm sick of your stupid screaming!" He voice slurred as he stumbled trying to walk towards me. I quickly moved out of the way and he reached forward grabbing my ankle.

"Don't be difficult you little bitch!" He yelled slapping me across my face and I let out a small scream that quickly turned into multiple when he started to punch me anywhere he could.

I fought him as much as I could but my 5'6 and 170 pound body couldn't do much compared to him 6'7 almost 400 pound one.

I started to panic when he straddled my legs locking me in place as he continued to ruthlessly hit me over and over. I tried to use my arms to shield my face as I started silently crying. I couldn't scream anymore because it would only get worse it I did. His gun was long forgotten as he just continued to hit me over and over. Every few seconds telling me all his reasons for hating me

"I didn't even want you!"

"No one wants you!"

"Your father's left you on purpose!"

"I bet that boy you're always yelling about will leave!"

"Diana died to get away from you!"

"Worthless little shit!"

"I wish we never brought you here!"

"Ugly pathetic pieced shit!"

"I'll kill you with my bare hands!"

The hits and insults just kept coming and coming and I just laid there eventually I was numb and I turned my head slightly to see the gun. I weighed my options quickly and without a second thought I grabbed it and shot straight up into the air above me.


His body went limp and he fell over. I let out pained wheezes and I cried curling into a ball as I looked at the now dead body of Gregory Walsh the blood poured rapidly from his chest and his eyes had a vacant look in them and they stared lifelessly up at the ceiling.

"Greg?!" I heard Rose call out and I got up as quickly as I could dragging all my stuff and putting it in my truck performing shirking spells and shoving everything into the pocket of my warn jacket just as I heard. The door open.

"Greg? Come on! Are you down here beating that damn kid again? I'm lonely!" Rose sighed stumbling down the stairs and then she let out a scream

"What did you do?!" She yelled grabbing me by my hair once she saw his body.

"I'll kill you for this!" She yelled dragging me up the stairs and I fought her. Trying to free myself from her grip

"Let me go! Let me go!" I yelled shoving her off. Unfortunately(.....but fortunately maybe) we'd been a the top of the stairs which means she went falling down them. I heard a sickening crack once she hit the bottom and I saw blood slowly beginning to pool around her head.

"Oh my god! Oh my god! There dead! There dead and it's my fault! What am I going to do!" I panicked as I began to pace around the living room.

Ok ok, so I killed two people! Two people are dead because of me, but it was purely self defense right? So I can't get in trouble. But who would believe me? Oh god I gotta get out of here! Yeah I have to leave! Where am I gonna go? The burrow? No I can't let the Weasley's see me like this.....I'll go to Moo! Ok yeah let's do that. I can do that...right?

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