57. Ron

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I'd been sitting outside the tent with Harry as the sun was rising and I sighed softly as he leaned his head on my shoulder as he told me about the snatchers before we sat in silence taking in our surroundings

"You think he's okay?" Harry asked as he gazed at the sun through the trees. I gave him a questioning look and he continued

"Draco? Do you think he's okay?" He asked and I nodded

"He's with my father's, we haven't heard his name on the radio and at this point I'd like to believe no news is good news." I mumbled kissing the top of his head as I put my arms around his waist.

"Do you ever think about how different our lives would be if you know who didn't exist?" He mumbled sadly and I nodded

"All the time. But one thing I know is that we'd still be best friends, even if our parents hadn't have been friends I think we'd always be best friends. Play quidditch together in the summer, maybe even went camping." I joked and he laughed a bit

"I think we'd still be friends too." He mumbled with a smile before closing his eyes


We had been walking through the woods for what felt like hours and I was next to Hermione and Harry talking about the potions I still had that I smartly thought to pack before we left Grimmauld.

"I really just grabbed whatever bottle didn't seem tampered with or almost empt-"

"I'm hungry!" Ron whined and we all stopped to look at him

"What?" Harry asked I glanced at Hermione as both of us noticed the strange tension between the two of them that had been growing for the past week

"I'm hungry." He repeated rolling his eyes

"We're all hungry." Harry scoffed like it was obvious. He wasn't wrong, I'd run out of food weeks ago and we'd been surviving off whatever Hermione and I could find in the woods. I don't think any of us expected it to take this long.

I was studying the makeshift sling on Ron's arm and noticed it was a bit wonky so I walked over to fix it but he stepped back with a glare

"Leave it." He mumbled harshly as I glanced at the horcrux around his neck. Hermione and I had already determined that it brought out an awful side of us if we wore it for to long. Which gave me a bit of hope for my vision

"Mum can make food appear out of
thin air." Ron grumble and I shook my head as I again reached for his arm with one hand and rummage through my bag for an extra bandage with the other

"No one can conjure food out of thin air. Food is the first of the five Principal Exceptions to Gamp's Law. The other four are-"

"Oh, speak English, can't you?" Ron snapped interrupting Hermione's soft explanation as he jerked his arm from my grasp again

"I said leave it." He snapped glaring at me as I sighed looking down at the bandage in my hand


"Leave it alone, Lupin! Can't you go be useless somewhere else?!" He said harshly I stared at him wide eyed and taken aback shoving the bandage back in my bag before making my way back over to Hermione who reached out taking my hand in hers

"It'll be dark soon. We need to
find a place to sleep." Harry said changing the subject offering me a reassuring smile

"Good plan." Hermione mumbled as I nodded

"Yeah. Brilliant. Only, correct
me if I'm wrong... wasn't that yesterday's plan? And the day before that? And the day before that? Walk. Sleep. Walk. Sleep." Ron pointed out angrily. There was a tense moment of silence as the two stared at each other before Harry made his way over to Ron.

Their Daughter { Ron Weasley x OC}|COMPLETED|Where stories live. Discover now