22. Happy Birthday

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"Star!" Hermione and Ginny yelled effectively waking me up. I turned over to look at the two girls who had big smiles on their face

Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked hesitantly

"Come on get up! Put this on." Hermione said shoving a pile of clothes into my arms


"Don't you remember what day it is?" Ginny asked as Luna and Angelina walked into the room

"Why are you still in bed? Come on, we've got a whole day planned!" Angelina yelled happily

"What....ITS MY BIRTHDAY!!" I yelled happily jumping up to take a shower and get dressed into the outfit Hermione and Ginny picked for me.

After I was dressed I put on some makeup while Luna happily did my hair

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After I was dressed I put on some makeup while Luna happily did my hair. Once I was ready Hermione handed me a small box.

"What's this?"

"Not sure it came for you this morning." She shrugged. I opened the box and inside was a beautiful bottle of perfume. It smelled like honey and roses. Inside was a small note that just said 'Password: Carina James'

I didn't have much time to think about what that meant as I quickly sprayed a bit of the perfume one and sat the box in my trunk before the girls dragged me to the common room.


I'd been dragged around the castle all morning while each one of my friends had a different surprise or gift for me. I was now sitting with Cedric in his dorm room. (We'd secretly figured out a reverse charm for the stairs about a month ago)

"So before I give you your gift. I feel I should explain it a bit." He said with a nervous laugh as we sat on his bed I nodded for him to continue as I grabbed his hands

"Ok, it's not what you think but I saw it and it made me think of you. I'd seen it in a shop over the Christmas holiday and it was originally supposed to be your Christmas gift but there were some complications so I just had my mom send it with the post last week. " he rushed out nervously as he sifted from side to side barely making eye contact

"Ced whatever it is I'm sure I'll love it." I smiled and he nodded as if reassuring himself before he leaned over and grabbed something from his bag.

It was a ring box.

"Diggs!" I gasped looking at the ring

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"Diggs!" I gasped looking at the ring

"It's not a marriage proposal seeing as you've only just turned 14 but I want you to know that I..I love you. I know it's the first time I've said it and I want it to be something special, you don't have to say it b-"

"I love you too." I smiled kissing him as he took the ring out of the box.

I slipped it on my ring finger an admired the way the light hit it.

"Cedric this must of cost a fortune, are you sure?" I looked up at him and he nodded happily

"I want you to have it. Oh shoot!" He said glancing at his watch

"What's wrong?"

"You were supposed to meet with your dad for a late lunch remember?" He asked looking at the clock

"Damnit I really wanted to cuddle longer. Next date cuddling and reading books?" I asked and he nodded kissing me as we got up.


Cedric walked me to the DADA office where I was supposed to meet my dad and gave me a quick kiss on my forehead before running off.

"Afternoon Pops." I smiled walking into the room as he was setting up a lunch for us on his desk.

"I know it's not much, especially after I already missed so man-"

"It's perfect." I smiled hugging him

"Well than let's eat." He smiled gesturing to a chair for me to sit in.


The two of us sat and talked for a long time, we talked about the Marauders, Diana, the Walsh's, my classes, anything and everything really.

"Diana seemed like a lovely woman." He smiled

"She was the best. I wish you could have met her, she would have loved you." I smiled at the thought fondly

"Me too. I think it's time we get you to the Great Hall." He smiled

"Great Hall? What's happening in the Great Hall?" I asked but he'd already ran out of the room

"Hey! Get back here!" I yelled laughing as I chased him all the way to the Great Hall that had been decorated for a party

"What's going o-"

"SURPRISE!" Students from all the houses yelled

"What the shit! Oh my god!" I yelled holding my hand over my heart in fear. Everyone laughed as the twins walked over to me with a handmade tiara that had been made out of sticks and painted gold

Fred placed in on my head with a proud smiled

"Happy birthday."

"Aww thanks guys! Freddie the paints still wet." I laughed as I felt paint in my hair quickly taking the tiara off. We spent the next few hours talking and having a blast. It was quite funny seeing everyone try to get along and I was very thankful that the twins, Ginny, Blaise, Theo,Cedric and Luna planned the whole day. There way of making up for the birthdays I hadn't celebrated.

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