16. I have to go back?!

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"Star? Love are you alright?" I heard my dad's voice

"Moo?" I asked opening my eyes. After blinking a few times I began to recognize my surroundings. I was in the hospital wing.

"What happened?"

"It appears you had a panic attack of some kind and then you passed out." Madam Pomfrey said handing me a potion

"Has that ever happened before?" Moo asked and I nodded

"Started when I was about 4 or 5, I used to have panic attacks almost daily." I said

"And do you remember what caused them?" Pomfrey asked writing it down

"Stress, whenever I feel really intense emotions for a long time, sometimes they'd just happen. As I got older I thought they stopped but here we are." I shrugged

"And do you remember what caused this one?"

"Harry and I were talking about Sirius and then all of a sudden I couldn't breathe, sort of like drowning but above water. Next thing I know, we're having this conversation."

"Well I think you should stay here for the rest of the day. And you'll be just fine for tomorrow, which happens to be the first day of the holiday break." Pomfrey said and I nodded closing my eyes

"I'll come back after dinner." Moo said kissing my forehead


"What the fuck do you mean I have to go back to the Walsh's?!" I yelled looking at Dumbledore like he was insane

"Just what I said. I'm afraid due to the nature of you departure there was quite the controversy with the muggles. You must return for the holiday break." Dumbledore said and I looked at Moo but he glared angrily at the floor not meeting my eyes. I sighed with a nodded

"I'll go pack my stuff then." I mumbled storming out of Dumbledore's office


After looking around the dorm I decided to just leave everything here, who knows how mad the Walsh's will be. Once I was done saying my goodbyes Dumbledore and I apparated just outside the Walsh's neighborhood and walked to the house. Once we got there Rose rushed out of the house as if she was happy to see me

"Star my baby! I've been so worried! Greg she's come home!" She yelled running to pull me into her arms

"You are in for it you little bitch." She whispered in my ear before turning to Dumbledore

"Thank you some much for bringing her back to us." Greg smiled joining us on the lawn. No doubt trying to make a big scene for the neighborhood

"Ah well yes. As you were previously informed, Star has been attending boarding school where I reside as the headmaster but seeing as its holiday break I thought it best she returned home for a time." Dumbledore smiled

"Yes, absolutely and when will she be expected to return?" Rose asked with a sickeningly sweet smile

"The second of January. Now I must be off." Dumbledore smiled walking down the street. The Walsh's waved until he was out of sight then I was dragged inside. This was going to be absolute hell.


(A/N: mentions of abuse, I won't go into to much detail of the abuse for various reasons but read at your own risk)

After nearly six hours of constant punches in the face, kicks to the gut and various name calling they finally decided to take a break.

"Oh and because you clearly can't be trusted, we got you a present." Greg smiled dragging me across the basement by my leg. I didn't have the energy to fight him so I just let it happen. I felt a cold metal against my ankle and then they left the basement laughing. I was now sitting in the dark covered in blood. There was no doubt that I had a broken rib and some broken bones. I was wheezing and gasping for air as I tried to calm myself down, I couldn't cry. Crying always made it worse because Rose hates crying says it gives her migraines. This was going to be a long two weeks, on the bright side I had two weeks to figure out a cover story to tell Moo and all my friends.


Day 4

Or five I really don't know, they made a cycle and Greg's even invited friends over. They wake up and beat me for a few hours then they go play host with lunch guests, after lunch Greg invites his friends over to do whatever they want to me each getting about 45 minutes(not going into grave detail but what you're thinking they did, the answer is yes that's what happened) and then Rose comes and throws her daily insults with the occasional punches, then they break for dinner and if they're not to drunk they come back for another beating until they've tired themselves out and they go to bed only to repeat the process the next day.

Which for me means, scraps of moldy food, dirty water, no shower, and especially no medical treatments. I was so excited to get back to Hogwarts so I could heal myself. Hopefully without anyone finding out.

Fucking Dumbledore old moldy bitch.

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