30. (Sort of) Happy Again

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The next morning Remus woke up next to Sirius who like always had all the blanket wrapped around himself in a cocoon as he slept with his hair all over his face. With a smile Remus made his way to his daughter's room only to see she wasn't in her bed. Panicked he quickly checked the bathroom but it was empty, he then ran downstairs to the kitchen, also empty he then looked outside and didn't see her anywhere. He quickly ran back inside to wake his husband

"Sirius! Padfoot! Padfoot get up!" Remus yelled shaking the man who jumped up and fell out of bed

"Ooowww! Moony, what did you do that for?" He moaned rubbing the side of his head.

"I can't find Star, I checked everywhere." Remus rushed out nervously. The pain in Sirius's head long forgotten as he quickly pulled on a shirt and ran downstairs where he quickly noticed a lump on the livingroom floor

"Rem, I found her!" Sirius called up the stairs and Remus quickly came down to see what his husband saw. There daughter was laying curled in a ball on top of her blanket in the corner on the living room and she was fast asleep.

With a sad sigh Sirius gently picked her up and carried her back to her room.


A month later- Still in third Person

(Also just to give perspective this is now August 11, a few days before the quidditch World Cup.)

It's been a rough month in the Lupin-Black cottage. With daily panic attacks and nightmares Star almost never slept. Cedric, Hermione, and the Weasley's had come over quite often to visit the girl and in Molly's case help around the home. With the presence of her friends Star had slowly gotten better, or at least it seemed like she was. She was talking again but she refused to talk about the Walsh's to anyone other than Sirius. Once she'd told him about the night she'd arrived and given him permission to tell Molly and Remus the three had been furious that Dumbledore didn't put a stop to any of it but the old Professor claimed he didn't have a choice, everyone believed him but Star who didn't trust the man. The girl seemed to be back to her joking a sarcastic ways, while her fathers knew it was her way of coping they where still happy to see a smile on her face nonetheless.


Star's POV

I was laying in my room with Cedric as he read Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

We'd been waiting for the Weasleys and Hermione to arrive so we could play quidditch in the yard. Not that Hermione ever played but she liked to watch as she read her books.

"The fun has arrived!" I heard the twins yell from the living room.

"I guess it's quidditch time darlin." I smiled getting up and running downstairs with Cedric

The teams were always



We'd been playing a never ending game so with two chasers and a keeper each. The score had been 190-180 but we weren't really keeping score. We found that I was a pretty good chaser and everyone (including Pa) thought I should try out for the house team.


I'd decided to spend the night at the burrow on Molly's invitation. It was the night before the quidditch cup and I was in the twins room while the happily showed me their new prank inventory. Often they'd give me things to give to my dads because in Fred's words 'they owe everything to them'

It was two weeks ago when the Weasleys came over for lunch and Pa had dropped something causing Moo to yell 'Padfoot what was that?' And the twin's faces lit up like a Christmas tree as they began to go on and on about the map and their pranks. They were even happier to find that James Potter was Prongs but quickly stopped talking about Wormtail when Pa told them it was Peter Pettigrew. Now every chance they get Pa and the twins pull pranks or talk about the shop the twins want to open. Much to Moo and Molly's displeasure by the way.

"What exactly are you wanting this potion to do?" I asked looking at the cauldron George was adding ingredients to

"It's our take on a love potion." Fred smiled and I looked at the orange liquid worried

"I just can't seem to figure out what it's missing."

"Supposed to be pink." Fred nodded

"What's in it?" I asked looking at all the ingredients they had

"Ashwinder eggs, rose thorns, peppermint, powdered moonstone, and pearl dust." George said reading off the ingredients and I thought for a moment

"Rose Petals." I suggested looking through their ingredient box and pulling out a small handful of rose petals and dropping them into the cauldron after a few seconds the potion turned a shimmering pink and we smiled.

"Now let's pack this up before your mom sees it." I suggested and they nodded


I woke up and got dressed once I noticed that Hermione and Ginny were up as well.

"Hufflepuff?" Ginny asked looking at the oversized sweater I was wearing with a smirk and I smiled

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"Hufflepuff?" Ginny asked looking at the oversized sweater I was wearing with a smirk and I smiled

"It's comfortable, and Cedric's" I laughed as we ran downstairs

"Oh good you three are up. Where are the boys?" Molly asked

"We're here!" The twins smiled coming down the stairs

"And I think Ron and Harry are still sleeping. Come on Mione, let's go get them." I said dragging her upstairs

"You wake Ron, I'll wake Harry?" She suggested and I shook my head.

"I've got a better idea." I smiled going to the twins room and grabbing the air horn we got at a muggle shop last week

"Cover your ears." I mumbled and she nodded knowing exactly what was about to happen. I quickly pressed the button on the horn and both boys jumped up with startled expressions

"Bloody hell!" Ron screeched holding the blanket to his chest in fear as Harry sat up, shoving his glasses on his face

"Come on boys we're late!" I yelled as Hermione and I ran downstairs laughing


As we were leaving Molly yelled at the twins about joke products and threw away whatever they had on them. I was glad she didn't check me because I had about twice the amount they did hidden in my backpack

"You're a lifesaver miss Star" Fred laughed as the three of us joked back and forth while we followed Arthur to our destination.


We arrived at the port key and everyone quickly putting a hand on it. We starting to spin when Arthur told us to let go. As I was about to start falling Cedric grabbing my wrist.

"Move your legs like your walking." He smiled and we gently glided to the ground.

A/N: just to clear of any confusion you may have about Star's 'dreams' when she has a dream she will often dream of multiple variations of what actually happens. She sees every possible outcome but she rarely knows when the events take place. I'm hoping that makes sense if it doesn't now it should in the next few chapters....I hope😅😬

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