04. Those Dreams Again

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For reference: this is sort of what she looks like now^ the blue eye is a bit grayer 

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For reference: this is sort of what she looks like now^ the blue eye is a bit grayer 

May 2nd 1993

Star's POV

I shot up from my 'bed' confused trying to remember what woke me up then flashes of my dream formed in my head.

It was my dad, a scary looking building, a black dog, and the date July 15, 1993

"Great I'm having those stupid dreams again." I sighed before struggling to get up. I ignored how loud my stomach was growling as I crawled up the stairs to do my daily chores.  The Walsh's are a very wealthy couple who pride themselves on cleanliness and order. Therefore they hate children, viewing them as dirty and messes waiting to happen. I found out long ago, the only reason they kept me without adopting me was for the 23 pounds a week you get when you're fostering a child. I didn't mind it much because at least they kept me. My fathers abandoned me at Miss Daisy's and seemingly never looked back. Or at least that's what Rose wants me to believe. It didn't make much sense to me, all the memories I had with them for them to just leave me. But here we are almost 12 years since the day they were on their way to pick me up, must of got lost.

"Listen here you little shit, I've got guests coming over in an hour. I expect the house cleaned, lunch prepared in the dining room and you out of sight! Understood?!" Greg yelled, the man stunk of booze

"It's literally 9 am, and you're completely plastered." I scoffed

"What did you say to me?" He yelled grabbing my arm

"I said what would ya like me to make for lunch?" I asked rolling my eyes

"That's more like it. The usual will do just fine, now get to it, you have 30 minutes!" He yelled as if I wasn't right in front of him while Rose came down the stairs glaring at me.

30 minutes?! What happened to the hour I had 5 minutes ago. Stupid drunk. I grumbled as I rushed around to make a fucking three course meal that Rose will no doubt take credit for. There lucky Miss Diana thought the teach me how to cook and let me cook with her because Rose could burn cold cereal if she wasn't careful. I heard Greg mention something about his friend Vernon so I assumed it would be them come get over. Seeing as I didn't have much time I just made a soup/salad and sandwich spread, a quick meat pie, cookies and a chocolate cake. As I was setting the table I heard a car pull into the driveway, I looked around to do a quick once over of the house and everything seemed to be clean and organized to the Walsh's standards so I ran to the basement. I sighed going over to the wall where I hid my father's belongings and pulled out the locket.

"I miss you all so much." I said sadly looking at the picture of my real family. I had placed a picture of Miss Diana and I on the empty side of the locket with her help.

I knew that Uncle Prongs and Aunt Flower were gone, and had been for awhile. I'm not sure where Harry is but I knew I'd see him soon. As for Pa, according to my reoccurring dreams, he's in prison but bound to escape soon. I'm not sure where Moo is because I haven't seen him in my dreams for years but I knew he was alive and safe. I had always wondered if there was something more that I didn't know. Pa's journal has some sort of lock on it and I can open but I couldn't see what's inside and maybe it's for the best, maybe if I could read it I'd find a letter confirming that they left me, maybe the letter would tell me my mind was playing tricks on me and my family was alive and well, everyone was together just living without me.

But then there are days where I sit alone down here in this old moldy basement, on my old moldy blanket and I can almost hear the sounds of laughter from the days I spent with Harry, I can hear my fathers telling me they love me, I can hear aunt Lily telling Pa that I can't wear leather jackets outside in the summer. I can hear Moo yelling at Pa and Uncle Prongs for putting Harry and I on a broom. I can hear Miss Diana's record player from the days we'd stand in the backyard and paint until we ran out of daylight.

I sighed putting the things back in their hiding place before I drifted off to sleep. Trying to ignore the annoying sounds of Rose and Petunia going on and on about how good of a cook Rose was and how Petunia was so impressed that Rose had found time in her busy schedule to keep the house so clean.

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