28. The Begining of the End

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"Hello love!" Cedric greeted as he put an arm around my shoulder sliding into the seat next to me.

"Hey Darlin, how's prefect duty going?" I smiled looking up from the book in my lap. I'd been sitting in a separate compartment from the trio claiming that I wanted to sit with Cedric and they didn't question it but really I was sitting alone trying to mentally prepare myself for a summer with the Walsh's. I hadn't had a single dream about how this summer would go but I had a gut feeling things were going to go terribly wrong. I didn't know what but I needed to be ready.

"Star? Did you hear me?" He laughed

"I'm sorry, I'm a bit distracted." I smiled

"Not to worry love, I only asked what you were reading." He smiled as I leaned into him laying my head in his lap.

"Reading about animagus, I think there interesting." I smiled and he hummed running his fingers through my hair. I knew he was trying not to talk about the Walsh's, everyone was. The only ones that new I was going back were my dads and Dumbledore. Others had heard or read in the daily prophet about Sirius' innocence and assumed I'd be going home to them. I didn't confirm or deny anything per Dumbledore's word. Not that I cared about the old man's word, but I didn't want to add to my fathers' stress.


I was now saying goodbye to the Weasley's and Hermione on the platform before taking the two hour walk to the Walsh home.

Once I arrived I quickly noticed that Greg was gone but Rose was sitting in the kitchen.

"Ugh, back already." She sighed drinking from her wine glass. I just nodded remembering they didn't like for me to talk and made my way to the basement.


I'd been locked down here for a few hours while I could hear laughing above me. Luckily Rose let me bring my trunks and stuff down here. I had decided to attempt the Animagus transformation and this would've the perfect opportunity.


It had been two weeks of horrible torture. My 'dreams' became vivid, it was past the point of phrases or flashes of images. I now vividly saw things sometimes it was the past but often it was different versions of the future that would have me screaming in my sleep. And screaming in my sleep caused Greg to be very angry that he couldn't sleep through the night, an a angry Greg meant ruthless beatings at all hours of the day. I quickly became his personal punching bag so I just tried to stop sleeping. I hadn't slept in two days and I was exhausted but I was scared to sleep because of Greg and my dreams.

"Hey kid! Get up here!" Rose yelled and I slowly pulled myself up the stairs wobbling on my weak legs

"You need to get ready, we're having a party and Greg wants you present. But understand this, you will not speak to anyone, you will not touch anything, you will sit and look presentable. Your clothes are upstairs." She said shoving me towards the steps. I wobbled and bit be quickly regained my balance.



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