38. Cheer Up

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I sat silently at the top of the astronomy tower watching everyone below say bye to our guests.

"I hoped I'd fine you here." Draco mumbled sitting next to me offering a chocolate frog

"Come to pity me?" I scoffed and he sighed

"Actually no, but I do wonder how you're handling things?" He sighed putting the frog down when he noticed I wasn't going to take it.

"My boyfriend is gone, and you know who is back! But I'm sitting here alone and crying. I think I'm handling things well." I mumbled and he awkwardly wrapped his arm around my shoulder

"What are you doing?" I mumbled confused

"Comforting you, I read it in a book. When someone's sad you should hug them. Father usually buys me things but I don't think you want that, am I wrong?"He asked confused

"You read it in a book?" I asked and he nodded almost proudly.

"Then I appreciate the effort." I smiled hugging him as he combed his fingers through my hair humming an unfamiliar toon.


I was sitting on the train in a compartment with Ron, Hermione, and Harry but I wasn't really listening to what they were talking about instead I was starring blankly out the window.


"Star?.... Star, wake up. We're at the station." Ron said shaking me

"Leave her be Ron." Harry whispered before someone picked me up. I opened my eyes slightly to see I was being carried by one of the twins

"You can go back to sleep if you want." George whispered in my ear and I nodded wrapping my arms around his neck.


The next time I woke up I found myself in an unfamiliar room. I looked around to see my glasses and my wand sitting on the bedside table along with a plate of food and a note.

I assume you want to stay in your room for awhile, your father and I will be downstairs should you need anything. Ron tells me you haven't eaten much of anything so do try to eat something. Come downstairs whenever you're ready.


I sat the note back down and looked over at the plate, sausage, eggs, toast, and cut up berries.

With a heavy sigh I threw myself back on the mattress in an attempt to fall asleep again.


The next time I woke up I felt a weight on my stomach before I even opened my eyes.

I looked down to see pa sleeping in his animagus form with his head on my stomach and moo was in asleep in a chair at the foot of my bed. As I moved around Pa lifted his head to look at me and I just hugged him as I cried

"I know, I know." He whispered after shifting back to his natural state. He held me while I cried and allowed me to stay in his arms as Moo soon joined the hug as well, both comforting me to the best of their abilities.


Third Person POV

It was nearing the end of July. The Weasley's started to frequently stay at 12 Grimmauld Place and Star spent most days locked away in her room not speaking to anyone and barely eating. No one truly knew what to do or how to help her. With order meetings the home was almost never quite and it had been a week since anyone had seen the girl when a certain red head was given an idea from Dean and Hermione. Given permission from his mother and her father's he made his way to her room in hopes of cheering her up.

"Star? Can I come in?" He called knocking on her door but he received no response

"Please, love I just want to know that you're ok." He whispered and the door swung open. He stepped in looking to her bed that was neatly made and he looked over to see she had showered and brushed her hair as she sat at her desk reading, which was a normal occurrence but no one ever talked about it.

"Hey." She mumbled in a weak voice probably from lack of use but he didn't mind it, it was the first time she'd spoken in weeks

"Do you wanna go somewhere with me?" He asked and she closed her book

"Where did you have in mind?"

"It's a surprise, meet me downstairs in 20?" He asked and she nodded. At first he was shocked that she agreed but decided to run with it. He quickly left to change and tell everyone she agreed to come and would be downstairs shortly which was a shock to everyone.


Star walked into the kitchen dress with her hair in a bun and went straight to Ron's side

"Ready to go?" He whispered as she attempted to ignore the concerned and shocked looks she was receiving

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"Ready to go?" He whispered as she attempted to ignore the concerned and shocked looks she was receiving


"I think the twins should go with you." Molly interrupted worried

"He already invited us." Ginny smiled walking down the stairs followed by the twins and Hermione

"Where are we going?" She asked looking around

"To have a bit of fun." Sirius answered dropping a small bag of money in Ron's hand

"Don't forget your wands!" Arthur called out before they all held them in the air and made their way outside.


Star's POV

We stood in a line as the twins apparated us to a carnival.

"Oh my god!" I gasped looking around.

"Well come on." Ron laughed grabbing my hand as we spilt up in groups of two

Fred and Hermione
George and Ginny
Ron and I

Ron immediately pulled me over to the ticket booth and talked to the man exchanging our money for wristbands. Then we ran off again.

"So what would you like to do first?" He asked

"Have you ever been to a carnival before?" I asked in response and he shook his head

"Then I think we should try everything."


After a few hours of games, rides, and food we met up with the others to go back home. Apparently Ginny and George had been pranking people all day and Fred an Hermione where on their first official date. But all in all they seemed happy that Ron managed to get me to smile again.


Author's Note

This chapter sucked ngl I didn't really know what to write for it. I wanted to start Star and Ron's relationship arc but trust me they won't be dating immediately it's definitely gonna take a while. But I am trying to finish this book as soon as possible so I can get my other books done, not saying the quality of the book will go down just saying I'll probably be updating more than once a day!!

Happy reading 🐾❤️🐾

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