21. Quidditch and piano

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(A/N: you can play the video now if you like but it's not relevant until later in the chapter)
Today was the Gryffindor verses Slytherin match for the house cup and both houses were buzzing with nervous excitement.

"Star, you're our resident seer tell us who wins?" George asked as I sat down for breakfast

"Sorry darlin but it doesn't work that way." I smiled

"But if you had to guess?" Fred asked as the team turned to me

"I think you'll do just fine. " I said reassuring them but it didn't seem to help so I jumped up and climb in the table

"No, what are you doing?!" Oliver sighed looking up at me

"Attention Gryffindor quidditch team! Today is the big match! You may be nervous but I say you go out there and fuck shit up!" I yelled causing the Slytherins to glare at me, the Hufflepuffs to cheered, the Ravenclaws laughed, and many of the Gryffindors to look anywhere but at me with blushes spread across their cheeks

"Star! Get down!" Moo called from the teachers table and I jumped down into Cedric's arms seeing as he'd just walked over to me.

"I was just trying to motivate the teams Pops!" I yelled and everyone apart from the Slytherins with the exception of Blaise and the few that I'd been friendly with laughed


We won! All of Gryffindor ran from the stands to celebrate with the team. I could hear Oliver's sobs as I ran to him

"Congratulations Wood!" I cheered

"PARTY IN THE COMMON ROOM!" The twins yelled and I laughed.


I was sitting in my dorm room reading as the party raged on bellow.

"Reading? During a party?" Angelina joked with a small laugh as she sat at the foot of my bed

"Parties aren't really my thing." I shrugged closing the book

"I hear you, the twins are currently down there betting on who will drink the most firewhiskey before McGonagal comes to confiscate it." She laughed

"Shouldn't you be down there with them? I mean you are on the team after all."

"Needed a break, thought I'd come check on you. You've been really quiet lately. Maybe the others haven't noticed or maybe they have but I thought I'd check on you." She shrugged

"Quiet? I stood on a table this morning and screamed a very well worded pep talk, I wouldn't call that quiet."

"You know what I mean. Of course you still joke with everyone but your smile doesn't seem to meet your eyes like before. I know we aren't close, and maybe it's not my business but I want to help."

"I'm fine Ang I promise." I smiled

"See just there, your smile seems.....forced?" She sighed looking into my eyes

"What would you do if you knew bad things were going to happen but you couldn't change it?"

"What do you mean?"

"You know about my 'dreams', hell I'm sure the whole school knows thanks to trelawney all but announcing it at lunch last month."

"So you saw something bad? Do you want to talk about it? You don't have to but it might lessen your stress."

"I saw myself standing over.....people? And the castle was in ruins." I mumbled

"And these people? You know them already?" She asked trying to understand and I nodded

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