63. Begining Of The End

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There was an eerie feeling in the air as the five of us walked through hogsmead. I noticed posters with Harry's face plastered everywhere labeled


There were even a few that had the rest of us on them labeled

If seen do not approach they're dangerous'

Everything seemed to be covered in a thick fog and the shops were closed at this hour. It was like walking through a ghost story, it was so silent you could probably hear a feather drop when suddenly a loud shrill filled the air and death eaters began to pour out of The Three Broomsticks.

"This way." Harry whispered and we ran to Honeydukes

"There! Right there!" A death eater yelled we turned running in a different direction looking for a place to hide

"I've got them! Down here!!" I death eater called standing on a roof above us and we took of down the side street hiding against a brick wall of an alley

"They were ready for us." Hermione gasped out trying to steady her breath

"It seems like they always are." I groaned

"Star, that one dream you hand where everything ended ok...we're doing that so far?" Draco asked with his hands on his knees as he was steadying his breath

"They all sort of have this part, it's what happens next that that usually helps me figure it out." I muttered

"And what exactly-" I clamped my hand over Ron's mouth with one hand and held a finger to my lips with the other signaling for everyone to be quiet

"We know you're here, Potter. There's no getting away." A death eater called out in a mocking tone as he laughed evilly

"Perhaps you need some convincing." He continued from around the corner

"What's he mean by that?" Draco asked so quiet I almost didn't here him as I pointed above us where the dementors where now flying around

I pointed to Harry silently nodding my head and he pulled out his wand

"Don't, you'll give us away." Hermione whispered

"It's kind of the point Mione." I mumbled as I could see a cloud of my breath in front of my face. A tear streamed down here face as she silently thought it over before nodding

"Expecto Patronum!" Harry said casting his stag into the air

"It's him! He's down there!" Another death eater called out as multiple pairs of foot steps began running into our direction

"Star? What do we do now?" Harry panicked and I looked around

"In here, Potter." Aberforth called

"There. Quickly." I muttered and we ran through the door as he made sure the coast was clear, the five of us walked deeper inside.

"Did you get a look at him! For a second I thought it was-"

"I know." Hermione mumbled cutting Ron off as she looked at me.

Their Daughter { Ron Weasley x OC}|COMPLETED|Where stories live. Discover now