08. I don't think i trust him

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"There's a lot to discuss, but might I suggested we we the sorting out of the way first?" Dumbledore said gesturing for me to sit on the stool from the Great Hall

I look to McGonagal and she nodded. I quickly sat down so the hat could be placed on my head and waited.

"Ah Lupin-Black. I sense great power within you. One must wonder what another would do with such power. I see great potential, but where to put you..... with cunning ambition you'd do very well with the Slytherin, but I sense a strong sense of the Loyalty and Patience it takes to be a Hufflepuff, you too have the Knowledge and forethought of the Ravens and a the willingness and Bravery need to protect others that a Gryffindor would possess. Why it's all here in your head. The traits of every house every trait just as strong as the last, making you a perfect fit for any house. Hmm........perhaps I shall take your desires into account now?"

"I want to be in the house of my fathers." I whispered softly after a few minutes

"Very well.....Better be Gryffindor!" The hat yell before McGonagal removed it.

"Very impressive my dear, very impressive indeed." Dumbledore smiled

"What is?" I asked confused

"Your sorting took five minutes and forty-eight seconds, you Miss Lupin-Black are a hatstall." McGonagal explained and I nodded still confused

"Can we talk about my dads now?" I asked looking at Remus and he nodded

"Star, where have you been for the last twelve years?" He asked and I looked at him confused

"You should know, you were supposed to come get me." I said with a shrug

"What do you mean dear?" McGonagal asked and I turned to Dumbledore who looked interested in what I had to say

"I suppose I'll start form the beginning, you'll be amazed at all I remember." I joked rolling my eyes

"Please?" Remus said motioning for me to sit back down.

"Well first things first I remember having to go into hiding and being so upset because the one thing I wanted to do was spend time with Harry but you and Pa kept saying no." I laughed attempting to take the edge off but the only on to laugh was Dumbledore

"It was like that for a few weeks until a few days before everything went to shit. Moo, you left for what Pa explained as a superhero mission and we stayed home a few days. Then I remember wakin up on Halloween of 1981 from one of my nightmares, except this one was so real. I saw uncle prongs, Aunt Lily, and Harry. There were flashes of green and I remember hearin Harry's cries almost as if he was right next to me. I told Pa and he started running around the house mumbled about how he messed up and it was all his fault. Then I remember him puttin me in the sidecar of his motorbike and we went to uncle Peter's but he wasn't there. Then I remember Dumbledore showing up and Pa asked Dumbledore to keep me safe. So he brought me back here. We stayed here a few days and then we went to Miss Daisy's Home For Kids. I remember sittin on the steps and Dumbledore telling me to wait for you. He told me you were gonna come and get me. Where were you?" I asked looking at Remus who had a look of betrayal in his eyes as he looked at Dumbledore

"You told me she wasn't with him, you said he refused to tell you where he hid her." Remus whispered sadly

"It was for the best Remus, you must understand." Dumbledore said dismissively

"Well I don't. She could have been with me. I'm her father."

"Yes but a father consumed by grief is no father." Dumbledore said and McGonagal motioned for me to continue

"After awhile I was adopted by a really nice southern American woman who I lived with until she passed away in her sleep then I was back at the orphanage for a bit before I was placed in a foster home where I lived until August when I left to find Harry." I explained and they all nodded

"And how did you know where to find Harry?" McGonagal asked worried

"She's a seer." Remus said

"And your only mentioning this now?" McGonagal asked

"What good would it have done before, if I thought she was dead?! What was I supposed to say, of by the way my dead child was a seer?!" Remus yelled glaring at Dumbledore

"How do you know im a seer?" I asked successfully calming the man down by grabbing ahold of his hand

"When you were younger you'd always babble about things before they happened, it used to work in Lily and I's favor whenever your father and James were about to do something stupid because you'd unknowingly tell on them." Remus laughed sadly at the memory and I smiled slightly

"Well it's getting late, I suggest we all get to sleep for classes tomorrow.  Miss Lupin-Black, McGonagal is your head of house. I assume she will help get you settled?" Dumbledore said looking at McGonagal who nodded

"For the record Professor, I don't trust you, I suspect you understand?" I said looking at Dumbledore but he just smiled clearly not caring.


McGonagal filled me in on the last minute rules, passwords, and everything I needed to know on the way to the common room.

"Now I must warn you, your story was and is very popular. I suspect there will be many questions thrown at you come morning but you say the word now and I'll notify the teachers to refer to you but the last name of your adopted parents." McGonagal explained

"No, no I'd rather keep my father's name. After all, I only just got it back. Goodnight Minnie." I smirked and she looked fondly at me before smiling and walking away.

I faintly heard her say something like 'just like him, isn't she'

I went up to my dorm where my things had been delivered and I saw that I shared a room with Hermione and Ginny. I quietly got ready for bed and went to sleep

A/N: yes I know theoretically Ginny wouldn't be in the same dorm and them also let's pretend that over the summer Dumbledore sent Star a placement test and she with the help of Harry was able to do well enough to still have classes with the third years

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