09. First day of magic school

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As usual I woke up early and got ready for the day, I want to make sure I looked ok for my first day. After I was dressed I went down to the common room to read and wait for the others.

I was in the middle of reading my potions book when someone came down the stairs for the boy's dorms

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I was in the middle of reading my potions book when someone came down the stairs for the boy's dorms.

"Hello, I'm Neville. You must be the new third year." He smiled introducing himself

"Yes, my name is Star." I smiled shaking his hand. Pretty soon a few more people entered the common room an finally Hermione came down with Ginny.

"I knew that was your trunk in our room!" Ginny cheered hugging me and I nodded

"It was. I got sorted after dinner." I smiled as Harry and Ron finally stumbled down the stairs. Harry immediately came to my side leaning against me for support as if he was going to fall asleep standing up.

"Oh come on you big baby it's not even that early." I laughed pushing him away

"It's 7:30 that's early." Ron complained leaning against my other side almost knocking me over but he quickly wrapped an arm around me to catch me.

"I've been awake since Five, now let's go to breakfast." I said happily skipping away

"I don't remember you being a morning person. In fact I vividly remember you throwing a book at my head for waking you up last week." Harry laughed as I pulled him to the Great Hall effectively ignoring the whispers around me.


We were all currently sitting in divination, luckily we were able to sit four to a table so I sat in between Harry and Hermione.

I was barely listening to what the professor was saying. I've read that divination was a tricky subject not because it was hard to learn but because it was easy to fake and considering I've literally been able to vividly see one's past, present, and future since the day I was born I didn't feel the need to listen. Which is exactly what I was explaining to Hermione while Harry and Ron where trying to read each other's tea leaves. I'd already read Hermione's but it didn't make a lot of sense. She had two pathways and unless the girl was in two places at once the translations were off.

"You honestly think you're a seer?" Ron asked looking at me an I shrugged.

"I don't think it Ron, I know it." I laughed softly as I caught Ron's cup just as it fell from Harry's hand sitting it on the table.

"Also it's not the grim, the grim doesn't really exist. You'll be fine." I mumbled in Harry's ear.

"What?" He asked looking at me confused

"Ron what do Harry's tea leaves say?" I asked ignoring Harry's question

"Erm... there's a bit of an upside down cross, and that means suffering but there's also the this that means happiness. So you're gonna suffer but you'll be happy about it?" Ron said just as Terlawney came over asking for Harry's cup

"Here we go" I mumbled to myself just before the woman gasped drawing the rooms attention before yelling about how Harry had the grim. Harry looked at me with wide eyes and I winked at him.


I was walking with Harry to transfigurations when Draco stopped us in the corridor

"Well well well. If it isn't saint Potter, I see you've met my dear cousin." He smiled and I rolled my eyes at his attitude

"What do you want Malfoy?" Harry asked

"I was just hoping to talk to my cousin, introduce myself. Maybe help her find better friends." Draco laughed at his own joke as did the three Slytherin students behind him.

"No thanks, I think I'll find my own friends." I smiled pulling Harry around the group and into the transfiguration classroom.

"Is he always like that?" I whispered as we sat down and he nodded

"Oh dear god, I'd hate to meet his parents." I joked rolling my eyes as class started. For the first few minutes after Minnie's impressive cat trick we talked about how Trelawney said Harry was going to die and I kept mumbling how I didn't believe it at all. Unfortunately the conversation was so boring that I fell asleep on Harry's shoulder.


It was now time for our Care of Magical Creatures lesson with Hagrid. While we were walking as a class to our destination I handed my bag to Harry who gladly carried it for me then I jumped on Ron's back.

"A warning next time would be nice." He laughed

"Warnin!" I smiled as he carried me the rest of the way.

"What exactly are we doin out here anyway?" I asked

"No idea." Hermione said looking around just as Hagrid came back with three large animals

"What are those?" I asked Ron

"Hippogriffs." Dean smiled.

We all stared at them in awe until Hagrid asked if anyone wanted to ride one the we all stepped back. I reached forward to pull Harry but he didn't move. Next this I knew he was up in the air.

"Oh dear god, please don't fall." I mumbled to myself


Once Harry was back one the ground we were all given permission to attempt to approach them one at a time. Unfortunately my idiot cousin had other plans. I quickly jumped off Ron's back reaching forward to grab the idiot by his collar and pulled him back.

"It's killed me! It's killed me!" He said rolling around on the ground

"Draco he didn't even scratch you, you big baby." I sighed but Hermione insisted Hagrid take Draco to the hospital wing.

"What an idiot." I mumbled rolling my eyes. I turned to see a Slytherin girl staring at me.

"Hey there sweetheart. Take a picture it will last longer." I winked and she scoffed before running to follow Hagrid and Draco

"Who the hell was that?" I asked

"Pansy Parkinson. Draco's girlfriend." Seamus laughed

"Why's she glarin at me then?" I laughed utterly confused

"She thinks any girl that shows him attention is trying to take him from her." Lavender said from behind me

"He's my cousin, that's absolutely ridiculous." I gagged and everyone laughed including a few Slytherin students as we all made our way back to the castle.

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