33. 1st Task and Sleepovers

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It was now the day of the first task and was was walking to the champions tent with Hermione

"Ron and Harry still aren't talking, it's driving me completely mad!" Hermione complained and I nodded

"You and me both, and with Skeeter breathin down my neck it's all just ridiculous." I groaned as we got to the tent and I made my way over to Cedric.

"I came to wish you luck." I smiled hugging him as a flash went off next to me. I tried my best to bite my tongue as a turning to the annoying journalist.

"Two couples! Young love oh how marvelous!" She cheered clapping her hands

"You're not welcome here! This tent is for champions and friends." Viktor said annoyed.

I quickly gave Cedric one last hug before leaving the tent.


"Oh god he's going first?!" I gasped turned to bury my face in George's chest

"Don't worry love, Cedric will be fine." George mumbled wrapping an arm around me as he began to cheer


It was now Harry's turn and after summoning his broom he flew off somewhere and had been gone for awhile.

"You see him anywhere?" I asked Fred who had been looking around with binoculars

"Not yet."

"There he is!" Someone yelled as on queue he flew over and snatched the egg into his hands. Everyone cheered even those who had been cold to him a few hours ago where happily cheering to celebrate Harry's success.


The gryffindor common room was currently full of people who had gathered around to celebrate Harry.

The twin currently had him on their shoulders as he opened the egg which began to let out an awful shriek.

"What the bloody hell was that?" Ron asked entering the room and there was an awkward silence

"Alright everyone go back to your knitting, this will be awkward enough without you listening in." George said and I took that as my queue to go find Cedric.


"Hello Star! Here for Cedric?" Susan Bones asked as I approach the hufflepuff common room and I nodded with a smile

"I'll let you in." She smiled as we walked into the room.

"I think he's up in his dormitory." She smiled happily before walking off and I nodded walking up the stairs

Sprout has yet to recharm them from last year not that anyone minded.

"Afternoon Darlin." I smiled upon seeing the open door to his dorm room. His roommates appeared to be gone as he waved me over to his bed.

"I'm glad you're here actually, I have something to ask you." He smiled pulling me to sit between his legs with my back to his chest.

"And what might that be?"

"I'm not if sure you've heard but there's going to be a ball this year. I'd like you to be my date." He laughed a bit and I smiled up at him

"I'd love to go with you Cedric." I smiled

"I was hoping, I didn't want to assume that just because you were my girlfriend you'd be my date so I had to ask before someone else tried to steal your heart away." He joked before reaching over to his bed side table for a book.

"Want to read together?" He asked and I nodded taking the book and looking at the cover 'Through the looking glass and what Alice found there' but it was in French

"You don't speak French." I smiled confused

"But you do, and you sound so cute when you speak different languages." He smiled kissing my forehead and I nodded beginning to read the book to him.


I woke up laying against Cedric's chest with his arms around me. I smiled happily because one: I'd slept for the first time in forever and two: it was a dreamless peaceful sleep.

I looked over at his clock to see it was 9:30 and I shook him awake

"Cedric? Cedric I have to go." I whispered

"Nooo!" He whined in a sleepy voice pulling me closer to him as he turned us over and was now laying on top of me.

"Cedric come on darlin, I've gotta get back to my common room sooner or later." I laughed running my fingers through his hair

"Later, I like later." He mumbled burying his face in my neck, I could feel a smile growing on his face and I sighed

"10 more minutes then you promise you'll get up?" I asked and he nodded happily


"Star!" I heard Cedric yell and I sat up abruptly looking around

"It's 12:15!" He said rushing around to get dressed then I screamed throwing my hands over my eyes

"You're naked! Why are you naked?!" I yelled

"What?- oh my god! I'm sorry I was getting dressed then I noticed the time.....you can look now." He said and I peaked through my fingers to see he was still looking through his clothes for a shirt. I smiled and handed him a black t-shirt seeing's it was Sunday and we didn't need to be in uniform today.

"Thanks love, let's go shall we?" He asked throwing the shirt on and holding his hand out for me to take.


After getting dressed I met Cedric in the corridor so we could walk the great hall for lunch where we went to our house tables

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After getting dressed I met Cedric in the corridor so we could walk the great hall for lunch where we went to our house tables

"So where were you last night?" George asked when I sat down

"Cedric's dorm." I smiled

"Oh of course." Ron groaned throwing his fork down

"What's that supposed to mean?" Fred asked looking at his brother confused

"Well where else would she be?" He scoffed

"What's your problem?" I asked confused

"Wouldn't you like to know?" He snapped before storming off. I looked around at Fred, George, Hermione, Harry, Ginny, Neville,Seamus, and Dean.

"Bloody hell was that?" Dean asked and we all shrugged

"He's jealous and he hasn't figured it out yet." Hermione laughed

"Totally."Ginny nodded

"Are you two still on that?" I rolled my eyes

"Mind filling the rest of us in?" Fred asked putting his arm around Hermione

"Our dear brother's got a crush on Star." Ginny laughed and I rolled my eyes

"I'm sure he doesn't, probably just angry about something else." I laughed

"Oh sure he is." Dean joked now completely agreeing with the two and I groaned

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