25. That Damn Rat

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Third Person POV

The four children stood together at the top of the hill. Three flinched harshly at the thud of the executioner's axe while the fourth stood with her eyes scanning her surroundings. The girl stood, her thick chocolate brown hair dancing in the wind, her eyes that many got lost in due to their unique nature one the color a deep pool of warm honey and the other a cool silver like the blade of a knife. She stood scanning the area, she had a pretty good idea of how the night could go from this point but any wrong move from the quartet and she'd be left in the dark. Of course like with all her prophetic dreams there were holes and gaps of time missing but she hoped everything would go to plan and her Pa would be a free man by tomorrow night.

The four stood slightly looking down at Hagrid's hut until as if on queue, Ron began to chase after his rat.  And the evening was set in motion.

"Ron!" Hermione called out as the three raced down the hill leaving Star behind. Not that they noticed but she had another thing to take care of so she stopped for a moment and looked to her left. She saw her father in his animagus form running towards her friends

"Be careful! You'll break his leg." She whispered

She knew he heard her by the way he turned his head. She continued down to her friends and found a rock for the tree. After Ron was dragged inside and the tree began to go wild she threw the rock at the knot on the tree and it stopped moving.

"Before we go in, Harry I need you to listen and just hear him out." Star said and her friends gave her confused looks before crawling to the tree.


Star's POV

"Star do you know what's going on?" Hermione asked in a whisper and I nodded

"I've got an idea but you know my dreams are never exact." I sighed as we made our way to where we heard Ron's cries.

"Ron!" Harry yelled as we entered the room. I stood by the door where I knew he'd be.

"Harry it's a trap! He's an animagus!" Ron yelled pointing behind me, just as I felt an arm wrap around me.

"My Star!" He cheered in a raspy voice

"Let her go!" Harry yelled pointing his wand at my father but it didn't seem to phase him.

"Seriously Pa, you smell terrible. Let me go." I sighed removing myself from his arms as Harry pulled me protectively behind himself and Hermione. I leaned down ignoring the conversation and the shouting as I reached into my bag for some bandages to wrap Ron's leg.

"Well well Sirius looking rather ragged aren't we? Finally the flesh reflects the madness within." Moo said catching my attention now if I remembered correctly, Snape would be here any minute hidden underneath the clock. Now all I had to do was convince Harry not to kill my parents long enough to hear the truth

"We trusted you!" Hermione yelled pulling me back behind her and I looked up to see both of my dads looking at me.

"Pa..." I whispered inching forward but Harry pulled me back.

"Star think about this, I know you want to believe he's innocent but he's not! And I don't know how much you know about Lupin but maybe we can't trust him either." Hermione whispered to me but I shook my head

"It's the rat. An Moo isn't bad." I said not taking my eyes off the man I hadn't seen in 12 years.

"What are you going on about?" Ron asked confused

"She believes me! She knows, Remus it's him!" Pa cried happily as he reached for me but again Harry pulled me away

"I suggest you explain what's goin on here before Harry tries to kill you." I sighed pulling Harry's hand off my arm

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