54. The Locket

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We all now sat around the drawing room, Hermione was reading some book, Harry was playing with the snitch, and I was attempting to teach Ron to play the piano.

"You staring." I laughed softly as I placed my hand on top of his pushing his fingers on the keys to the tune of Für Elise by Beethoven. I laughed again when he didn't deny it and continued to stare as we ignored the conversation between Harry and Hermione

"I like watching you play." He mumbled leaning his head on my shoulder as I changed the song to a random calming melody I didn't remember the name of.

Suddenly a loud crash was heard from the hall, we all grabbed our wands and made our way to the noise. We entered the kitchen as pots clattered to the ground and found nothing.

"Uhhh...What the bloody hell was that?" I asked and the three turned to me with confused expressions


"You're accent's fading, suppose it caught me off guard a bit." Ron shrugged and I nodded. I noticed my accent was fading a few weeks ago certain phrases come on in a thick British accent others in my southern American accent that everyone loves. I didn't mind it much but sometimes it made me sad to think that one of my most distinct pieces of Diana was fading.


We were all in the kitchen eating when Kreacher, Dobby, and Mundungus appeared tumbling across the floor covered in water from the rain.

"Expelliarmus!" Hermione yelled disarming him as his wand flew to her hand.

"As requested, Kreacher has
returned with the thief Mundungus Fletcher!" Kreacher nodded to me

"Dobby has also returned with the
thief Mundungus Fletcher!" Dobby smiled

"Thank you both." I smiled

"What are you playing at...setting
a pair of bleedin' 'ouse-elves on me!" Mundungus asked angrily

"Dobby was only trying to help!
Dobby saw Kreacher in Diagon Alley, which Dobby thought was curious. And then Dobby heard Kreacher mention Harry Potter's name, which Dobby thought was very curious. And then Dobby saw that Kreacher was talking to the thief Mundungus Fletcher, which Dobby thought was very, very-"

"I'm no thief, you foul little git.
I'm a purveyer of rare and wondrous objects!" Mundungus yelled interrupting Dobby's explanation

"You're a thief, Dung. Everyone
knows it." Ron said from where he stood in the doorway and Dobby gasped with a delighted smile on his face.

"Master Weasley! So good to see
you again!" He cheered waving his arms at Ron who smiled to him in return

"Wicked trainers." Ron spoke in regards to Dobby's bright red shoes

"Listen, I panicked that night, all
right? I never volunteered to die for you, mate. Can I help it if Mad-Eye fell off his broom-"

"Stop lying!" I snapped angrily stepping towards Mundungus before Hermione grabbed my hand

"Piece of advice. Let's not rehash
old times. Got it... mate?" Ron said angrily

"When you turned this place over-
don't deny it!...you found a locket, am I right?" Harry asked

"Why? Was it valuable?" Mundungus asked

"You've still got it?" Hermione asked

"No, he's worried he should have got more money for it." Ron sighed

"Wouldn't be difficult, would it?
Bleedin' gave it away, din' I? There I was, pitching me wares in Diagon Alley when some ministry hag comes up and asks to see my license. Says she's of a mind to lock me up and would've, too, she hadn' taken a fancy to that locket."

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