41. Dumbledore's Army

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I was walking down the corridor with Draco and Blaise when we saw a group of students gathering outside the Great Hall.

"What's going on?" Blaise asked and we shrugged rushing over to see Minnie and Umbridge on the steps

"Pardon me, professor, but what exactly are you insinuating?" Umbridge asked in her annoying shrill voice

"I am merely requesting that when it comes to my students, you conform to the prescribed disciplinary practices." Minnie responded angrily

"So silly of me but it sounds as if you're questioning my authority in my own classroom, Minerva." Umbridge giggled and I rolled my eyes leaning against Draco

"Not at all, Dolores. Merely your medieval methods." Minnie said

"The rumors are true?" Draco whispered and I nodded

"Blood quills an all." I responded

"I am sorry dear, but to question my practices is to question the Ministry and, by extension, the Minister himself. I am a tolerant woman, but the one thing I will not stand for is disloyalty." Umbridge sighed in an almost joking manner

"Disloyalty?" Minnie asked looking at the woman as if she'd grown an extra head

"Things at Hogwarts are far worse than I feared. Cornelius will want to take immediate action." Umbridge smiled looking around

"That's not good." I mumbled to Blaise and Draco who nodded in agreement


"So, you applied first for the Defense Against the Dark Arts post, is that correct?" Umbridge asked walking around potions as we worked on an assignment

"Yes." Snape said in his usual monotone voice

"But you were unsuccessful?"

"Obviously." He responded seemingly annoyed as Ron laughed earning himself a snake in the head with a book once Umbridge left.


"That woman has to go." I mumbled angrily to the twins after we entered the common room angrily.

"What happened?" Ron asked from where he sat on the sofa with Harry, Seamus, Neville, and Dean

"She took some of our prank kits." Fred sighed throwing himself on a chair.

"It took us weeks to make those." I groaned sitting on Ron's lap

"Well you all should be focusing on your studies anyway." Hermione said entering the room and sitting on the arm of Fred's chair.

"I focus just fine." I mumbled defensively

"She is third in our class after all." Ron smirked

"Thank you Ronnie." I joked ruffling his hair.

"Oh for the love of godric gryffindor, will you two just date already?!" Dean groaned as everyone around us made sounds of agreement but it went ignored by Ron and I.


What's going on?" I asked Ginny as we joined the large group of students in the corridor

"Umbridge is firing someone." She whispered

"Sixteen years I've lived and taught here! Hogwarts is my home! You can't do this!" Trelawney pleaded

"This is awful! There must be someone who can stop this." Blaise whispered as he appeared next to me

"Dumbledore, but he's been locked away in his office for weeks." Neville whispered

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