64. The Battle

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"NOOO!" I yelled as we fell then I felt an arm wrap around me as wind blew through my hair. After awhile I landed on the stone ground with a thud and I let out a groan.

"You alright love?" Ron whispered as I opened my eyes

"Ask me again when this is over?" I asked and he nodded helping me up as I looked around to see Draco, Hermione, Harry, and Goyle standing around us

"Goyle I suggest you figure out your true alliance right now." Draco said looking at him and he nodded before running off

"What now?" I asked

"We've got to get rid of the diadem, Hermione and I already destroyed the cup." Ron explained and without a moment's hesitation Draco takes the fang from Ron's hand and the diadem from Hermione's as he placed it on the ground before stabbing the fangs right through the middle.

"Now what?" He asked looking up after a moment. He all looked to Harry who was holding his head in pain. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a familiar figure and my anger immediately rose

"I-um...there's something I have to take care of. Find me later!" I yelled spinning on my heels

"Star! Wait-"

"Find me later!" I called cutting Draco off as I chased the death eater. I had to get to him before he got to Moo. It was the only way in any of my visions Moo survived.

I ran through the students and death eaters expertly dodging spells, hexes, and curses.

"Dolohov!" I yelled after him as we entered a virtually empty part of the corridor. He turned to me with a sadistic smile on his face and my glare hardened

"Well if it isn't Star Lupin." He smiled with a bitter laugh as he raised his wand

"Minuere!" I cast blocking his hex in hopes my injuries wouldn't even fatal. As minuere was a weakening hex I'd found in the spell book Dumbledore left.

"How?!" He yelled and in his confusion an I acted fast I had to use the element of suprise as he was defensively among the most skilled wand users to Voldemort's disposal

"Colloshoo!" I said waving my wand causing his feet to stick to the floor.  While he struggled with his feet I was able to disarm him and now with his wand in my hand I ran off again this time running into Fred and Percy.

I tried to think of what happened here as I stood back to back with Fred dueling death eater after death eater that approached.

"Hello sir, did I mention I was resigning?" Percy joked after he sent a jinks at the man and then it clicked as Fred stared laughing and I turned to the wall

"Are you joking Perce? I don't think I've heard you joke since-"

"Protego Maxima!" I yelled pointing my wand above us cutting Fred's sentence off as the wall exploded and the chunks of stone disintegrated upon making contact with the shield.

"Bloody hell!" Fred gasped looking up

"How'd you know to do that?" Percy asked over his shoulder as he confit to fight death eaters

"A hunch, speaking of which! I've got to go stay safe you two!" I called before running off again.

"Miss Star!" I voice called out to me and I turned to see Dobby waving at me

"Dobby!" I smiled as he jumped into my arms

"Dobby has come to defend Hogwarts with his friend Kreacher! Dobby wonders if you have seen Harry Potter?" He asked and I looked around to make sure there was no immediate danger

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