49. Dumbledore

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To make a point I had been avoiding Harry as much as possible for the last three days. I was in my dorm looking for my copy of The Great Gatsby when Ron stormed into the room and sat on my bed. I looked over at him confused

"Hello? What can I do-"

"I'm in love with you, I have been for a while and I can't tell if you actually like me back so I dated Lavender because she obviously was interested and I thought it would be easier to date her then ruin our friendship but I was wrong. Star I was so wrong, I don't think I've ever been more wrong in my life. I have been going over it in my head for days- no years  trying to find the courage to tell you how I feel! I even owled Bill and Charlie for help. But they just told me to come out and say it and I tried that but you make me so bloody nervous that I asked you about the weather in the middle of the bloody night! So I owled George and he sent me a truth potion and said to drink it then find you so I did, and I'm here. And....and, I-"

"Darlin breathe." I smiled softly at him and he nodded taking a deep breath

"Will you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?" He asked nervously and I nodded

"Of course I will." I smiled walking over to him as he pulled me in for a kiss

"That was brilliant!" Ginny smiled from where she sat on her bed causing Ron and I to jump in fright

"Damnit Ginny I forgot you were in here!" I yelled and she laughed so hard she rolled off her bed earning laughs from Ron and I


I was leaving the library on my way back to the common room when I ran into Draco.

"I've just owled your dad's, I fixed the cabinet. They're coming tonight." He rushed out

"How much time do we have left?"

"Not much, maybe a few hours?" He guessed and I nodded

"Alright I'll warn the others. You find Snape, play your part and I will meet you at the edge of the forbidden forest when it's all over." I explained and he nodded. I turned to leave but he called after me.

"Wait!" I turned back to him and he pulled me into his arms for a tight hug

"Be careful." He whispered in my ear


Within a hour mass panic ensued all over the grounds of Hogwarts. I had been near Bill Weasley fighting off deatheater after deatheater when I saw Ron on the ground with a deatheater standing over him.

"Impedimenta!" I shouted pointing my want at the deatheaters causing them to move in slow motion as I pulled Ron to his feet

"You alright darlin?" I asked and he nodded.

"Star! It's time!" Pa said as he past me and I nodded.

"Stay safe, I'll see you later." I spoke to Ron and he nodded

I ran towards the forest and gasped when I saw Hagrid's hut was in flames.

"Fight back, you coward! Fight back!" I heard Harry yell and I pushed myself to run faster. If Harry was her then that means there are deatheaters near and I had to get Draco now!

"Sectumsempra!" I heard Harry yell

"Dragon!" I called looking around

"You dare use my own spells against me, Potter? Yes, I'm the Half-Blood Prince." I heard Snape say as I saw Draco out of the corner of my eye as he ran to me.

"Thank Merlin." I mumbled apparating us around the corner of Number 12 Grimmauld Place. I bent down to pick up a familiar black bag and I opened to to find a black cloaked

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