48. Sectumsempra

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"It's so easy for them to get to you. You're bloody lucky you weren't killed. You have to realise who you are, Harry!" Hermione said as the three of us walked down the corridor

"I know who I am, Hermione, alright. Sorry." He sighed

"Oh god." Hermione groaned as we stopped walking upon seeing Ron and Lavender all cuddled up together

"Lav, come on. Of course I'll wear it." Ron smiled referring to the necklace she'd put around his neck

"That's my Won-Won." Lavender cheered kissing him

"Won-Won? Excuse me while I go vomit." I groaned walking away


I was currently sitting with Draco in the room if requirements keeping him company while he worked on the cabinet

"Harmonia Nectere Passus. Harmonia Nectere Passus. Harmonia Nectere Passus." He repeated over and over the cabinet made a few clicking sounds and he reached into the cage he brought with us for the small dove.

"This has to work." He mumbled softly setting the bird inside the cabinet and closing the door. He then tapped it with his wand. We waited a few seconds and he hesitantly opened the cabinet as gasped sadly

"It's dead." He whispered softly before he turned to me burying he face in my neck as he cried.

"I killed the bird." He murmured over and over as I gently wrapped my arms around him.

"Why don't we take a break? Let's go for a walk?" I offered and he nodded gently grabbing my hand as I lead him to the door


I was doing some late night reading when Harry rushed down the stairs with Ron leaning against him

"What's going on?" I asked standing to me feet

"Love potion, help me get him to Slughorn?" Harry asked and I nodded grabbing Ron's other arm and wrapping it around my shoulder as Harry and I supported his weight as we took him to the potions professor.

"Where are we going? Where's Romilda?" Ron asked sadly when he didn't see her

"Where almost there, relax darlin." I sighed as Harry knocked on the door

"I'm sorry, sir. I wouldn't bother you if it weren't absolutely essential." Harry explained to Slughorn as Ron affectionately ran his fingers through my hair still looking around for Romilda

"What's the matter with Wenby?" Slughorn asked confused

"Very powerful love potion." I explained pulling Ron's hand off my face

"Very well, better bring him in. I always thought you could whip up a remedy for this is in no time, Harry." He mumbled stepping aside so we could drag Ron into the room and sitting him in a chair

"Well, I-I thought this called for more practised hands, sir."

"Hello, darling. Fancy a drink?" Ron smiled wrapping his arms around Slughorn who looked visibly uncomfortable. I grabbed Ron and pulled him over to the couch.

We'd been sitting there for a few minutes and Ron kept running his fingers through my hair and rubbing his thumbing my cheek

"Ow darlin you poked my eye." I mumbled pushing his hands away and he looked sad.

"Can we go see Romilda now?" He asked softly

"Here you go, boy. Bottom's up." Slughorn said handing him a cup

Their Daughter { Ron Weasley x OC}|COMPLETED|Where stories live. Discover now