61. Shell Cottage

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As we arrived at the Malfoy Manor I could feel the beginnings of a panic attack start

We had to get out of here, none of us where safe here. I was 100% sure that they knew I was the one who took Draco and add on the fact that I was not only a Lupin but I was Sirius Black's daughter. Ron couldn't be here as 'Blood-traitors' were being tortured for information on Muggle borns. Hermione couldn't be here because she was a Muggle-Born not to mention a well know close friend of Harry Potter. Harry couldn't be here because he's...well he's Harry fucking Potter.

I was pulled from my thoughts when I was dropped on the hard marble floor.

"We'll if it isn't little baby Black. How's daddy?" Bellatrix asked gripping my hair using it to yank my head up.

"Wouldn't you like to know." I growled

"No. Actually I'd like to know what you've done with my little traitorous nephew. I've got a bit of a bone to pick with him." She laughed

"Donno where he is. Could be dead for all I know." I laughed of course I knew where Draco was but if these people thought I'd tell them then they're crazier than I thought

"Never mind Draco, that disappointment of a son! The boy! Is it him?" Lucius asked pointing his wand to Harry and Bellatrix turn my head so I was facing him as she held her wand to my neck

"Tell me. Is that Potter?" She asked and I laughed

"Didn't you read the prophet? I'm not friends with Harry Potter. He killed my boyfriend and blamed You-k
Know-Who. If you asked me, Potter's nothing but a joke." I lied and she laughed

"Very well. Have her, she's of no use to me." She said tossing me aside and I fell to Greyback's feet looking up at him as he stared down at me with an evil look in his eye. Just as he was about to grab me Bellatrix gasped

"Where'd you get that?" She asked one of the snatchers

"It was in her bag when we searched her. Reckon it's mine now." He laughed and then Bellatrix attacked all the snatchers including Greyback

"Cissy! Put these three in the cellar! This one and I are gonna have a chat girl to girl!" She yelled

"Pick her up!" She ordered shoving Harry towards me and he gently lifted me of the ground


Once we were in the cellar Harry gently laid me on the ground

"What are we gonna do? We can't leave Hermione alone with her?!" I panicked trying to stand up

"You're ankle is broken, sit down." Harry muttered placing a hand on my shoulder

"I'm fine, we have to get Hermione."

"Star? Harry?" A voice called from behind me and Ron pulled out the deluminator clicking the button, lighting a nearby lamp.

"Luna?" Harry gasped

I winced clutching my hands over my ears at the sounds of Hermione screaming in pain.

"We have to do something!" I heard Ron yell as my eyes filled with tears.

"There's no way out of here, we've already tried." I heard Olivander say from next to me. I looked over to see him and a goblin standing next to Luna. I looked at my ankle which was swelling and I pulled off my jacket to take of one of Ron's plaid shirts that I'd been wearing and I ripped the fabric into strands creating a brace so I'd be able to walk

"Is that my shirt?" Ron asked looking over at me and I looked down

"It was." I replied just as Peter came down the stairs opening the cell like door

Their Daughter { Ron Weasley x OC}|COMPLETED|Where stories live. Discover now