35. Ron, Draco, and the 2nd task

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'Kill the spare!'
'He's back!'

'Kill the spare!''He's back!'

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'He killed him!'

'He killed him!''Star!'

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'I love you Star.'
'Cedric Diggory is dead because of you!'
'My boy'

I sat up and looked around trying to see my surroundings

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I sat up and looked around trying to see my surroundings. I'd fallen asleep reading as of course I'd had another dream again. I sighed getting off the couch to go up to my dorm and get ready for the day


After a rather dreadful lesson with professor Moody I'd been walking with Ron, Harry, and Hermione to transfiguration

"I don't know what it is but Moody gives me the creeps." I mumbled

"What do you mean you don't know what it is? He's bloody scary." Dean laughed joining the conversation

"No not like scary, like sick to my stomach creeps." I explained

"Why don't you ask Cedric to help you?!" Ron asked angrily and we all turned to look at him

"You know what Ron, come find me when you learn not to be a fucking asshole." I said before storming off. To anyone who heard the conversation you'd think I was over reacting but Ron has been rather rude to not only me but Cedric as well. Always trying to pick fights where they aren't necessary and I'm absolutely sick of it.

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