Part 1

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Y/n's POV

My gaze wandered through the crowd as I tried spotting my next victim through the sniper's scope. My lips curled up into a small smile as I saw him sitting on a couch, but the smile quickly vanished as I saw the girl on his lap. Her face was covered in marks, and her eyes revealed how frightened she was.

I clenched my jaw as I saw his hand move up her thigh before disappearing into her skirt. This guy really deserves to die after everything he had done to all those innocent girls. How the fuck could he have such a fucked up mind that he thought using others for his pleasure was ok? I didn't even hesitate before pulling the sniper's trigger.

I watched as the bullet pierced through his head, killing him in an instant. As I pulled away from the scope hell broke loose in the club. The girl, that he was probably going to do some fucked up shit with, screamed and ran away from his dead body before it collapsed on the floor, sending blood everywhere. 

Screaming, crying and sirens were the only thing I heard as I gathered all my supplies and walked down to my car. I had been looking forward to the day I ended this Mexican rap*st's life.


I entered my house and walked straight up to my room, deciding to take a shower before eating dinner with my family. To be honest, I wasn't looking forward to this dinner, knowing exactly how furious my dad was going to be when he found out that I killed Francisco Luis, son of the Mexican Mafia's leader. 

Killing Francisco wasn't my mission, but to me, it felt like it. I may be a killer, but I kill for a reason, he on the other hand used girls for his own needs. That is not ok, and I'm pretty sure my dad understands that.

After a quick shower I threw on some clothes and made my way down to the dining room, preparing myself to get yelled at. But I was wrong.

"Y!", my five-year-old little sister said excited as I stepped into the room. She jumped up from her chair and ran over to me with the biggest smile on her face, almost tripping on her way over to me.

I smiled as she jumped into my arms, embracing me into a hug. "I missed you", she said as she snuggled her face into my partly wet hair. "I missed you too dino", I answered and planted a soft kiss on the side of her head.

Her name is actually Emerald, but I call her dino. Long story short, when she was born, I bought her a dinosaur teddy bear. Odd gift choice, I know, but as she grew up, she fell in love with it and refuses to sleep without it.

I walked over to the table and sat Emerald back into her chair before kissing my mother on the cheek and walking over to my chair that was beside Amber, my nineteen year old sister. 

"Hey idiot", I said and ruffled up her hair as I walked past her. "Hey dumbass", she smiled back as I walked over to my father, who was sitting on the end of the table, and hugged him.

"How is my angle?", he asked as I let go of him and sat down at my chair. "I'm good, thank you", Amber jokingly answered from beside me, causing us all to laugh, before we started eating.

What seemed to be a good family dinner soon turned bad, when one of our soldiers walked into the room with a serious look on his face.

"Sir. Antonio Luis's son, Francisco is dead".

The room went dead silent and my eyes met my mother's from across the table, her eyes revealing that she knew I had killed him.

I quickly looked at my father to see him confused. "Explain what happened. Amber take Emerald outside".

Amber nodded her head before getting up and making her way over to Emerald. She lifted her up, while talking to her, and walked out of the room. As the door shut behind them the soldier started explaining everything. From Francesco being in the club, to him getting killed by a bullet.

"It was an extremally talented person. No traces were left behind, and the shot was spot on. This person knew what he was doing". He looked at my father, waiting for a reaction, but instead got one from me. 

"How do you know it was a he?" As the world's rolled out of my mouth I knew I had revealed that I was the killer. "Thank you for the information. You can leave now", my father answered, looking towards the door.

The soldier nodded his head before walking out of the room, leaving me and my parents alone.

"Y/n Hart", my fathers frustrated voice spoke up. "Do you know what this can cause us if they find out that you shot him?" he asked and looked directly at me. I looked down at the ground avoiding eye contact. Of course I knew what this could cause us.

"A war between the American and the Mexican Mafia. This means that we have to be prepared", he explained and got up from his chair. "Allies are an important part if something like this could happen. I have someone I think will like to help us, considering what the Mexican Mafia did to them".

I looked up at him and he walked over to me. "Don't tell your mother, but I'm glad you ended him. He had it coming", he whispered into my ear before walking over to my mother. He reached his hand out for her and she grabbed it, standing up from her chair, before they both left the room, leaving a smiling me behind.

I knew my father would understand.


Part 1 ✅

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