Part 5

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Y/n's POV

I got home from the abandoned harbor and was told by my parents that our new allies were coming today to talk about the alliance and eat lunch with us. They didn't tell me who it was, and the question didn't bother me, so I didn't ask.

Big mistake.

I made my way up to my room and decided to take a shower, before I got dressed in my long sleeved dark blue dress. I was putting on my accessories when someone knocked on my door.

"They are here! Are you coming?", Amber asked from the other end. I looked at my wet hair and grabbed the blow dryer from my dressing table. "I'll be down soon! Tell mother and father to take them to the dining room". 

I heard her mumble something back before I started blow drying my hair.

A few minutes later my hair was all dry. I looked in the mirror and ran my hand through my black wavy hair, smoothing it out. Time to go.

I grabbed my phone and walked out of my room, making my way downstairs to the dining room. I stopped outside the closed doors and took a deep breath, before walking in.

"I'm sorry I'm la-". I stopped midsentence as I saw my family and the Polibio's sitting on the table. They all looked up at me, with smiles on their faces, except for one person.

I looked from the Polibio's and over at my parents, with an extremally confused expression on my face.

What was going on and where were our allies?

My question was answered when my father smiled and said: "Y/n greet our allies. The Polibio's!"

Wait, what?

Our families had never been enemies with each other, but they had never been friends either...

I tried not showing how shocked and confused I was at this statement and walked over to Gian and Emilie and greeted them with a smile.

Just because I hated their oldest son didn't mean I had anything against them or their two other sons.

I made my way over to the youngest son, Kairi, and greeted him before going over to the middle son, Alejandro, and doing the same.

As I had greeted Alejandro, I noticed that the only seat left was the one beside him, and to my luck that was in front of Mattia. Great, just great.

I walked over to the seat and was about to sit down when my father spoke up. "You forgot someone".

The room went dead silent and I looked over my father. "Fath-". He raised his hand and I shut my mouth.

Just do it Y/n! You literally talked to him today, what is so different now?

I looked over at Mattia and he looked over at me. "Welcome", I muttered and stretched out my hand in front of him. He grabbed it and looked into my eyes, before squeezing my hand hard. Really hard.

I clenched my jaw at the pain and pulled my hand out of his grip. "It's a pleasure to be here", he answered with a triumphant smirk on his ugly face.

I discreetly rolled my eyes before sitting down at my seat. The talking started up again, and a few seconds later our maids came into the room with the lunch.


"You kids can stay here and get to know each other, while we grownups talk in my office", my father smiled as everyone was done eating. Both our parents stood up, heading towards the door, when both me and Mattia jumped up from our seats and walked over to them.

"I'll join you", we both exclaimed at the same time. I cursed under my breath. No way in hell was I going to go if he wanted to be there. "Forget it, ill stay", we both muttered at the same time again.

I looked at him irritated and he looked at me with the same expression. "You all can stay here", Gian smiled before they all walked out of the room, leaving us "kids" behind.

I turned around and was about to walk back to the table when Mattia spoke up behind me. "You had to ruin it?".

My body turned back around, and I looked at him confused. "You just had to join them too? You couldn't let me do that?", he complained, his eyes staring intensely at me.

A small chuckle escaped my mouth and I rolled my eyes at what he was saying. "Oh please, you say that as if I did that on purpose. If I knew you wanted to join them, I would have never asked."

He didn't answer and I turned around, spitting out the last sentence I had on my mind. "Besides, who the fuck wants to spend time with you anyway?".

I walked away, not thinking that he would do anything, when he suddenly grabbed my arm and pulled me back towards him. His action caught me off guard and because of my heels, I hate heals, I lost my balance and my body slammed into his.

My jaw hit his shoulder, and I groaned as the pain shot up from my side. I looked up at him and saw a smirk plastered over his face. This guy really enjoyed watching me hurt.

We were standing there, looking at each other, until he broke the silence by leaning his face closer to mine and placing his lips inches away from my ear. "I know you enjoy looking at me, but I was just going to say that it's a kid in the room. Watch your language".

I pushed him away from me and was about to answer when we suddenly heard loud noises coming from outside the dining room. Seconds later the doors were forcefully opened, and our parents came running into the room.

"What is happening?", both me and Mattia asked confused at the same time.

Instantly I looked at him and he looked at me, considering that we had said the same thing, at the same time, for the third time today. I quickly looked away, looking back over at our parents, waiting for an answer. Gian was the first one of them to speak up.

"The Mexican's just bombed our house!"


Part 5 ✅

Ooops :)


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