Part 18

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Y/n's POV

Two weeks had gone past since the Polibio's had moved in. Two weeks had gone past since the mission. Two weeks had gone past since Mattia was wounded. Two weeks had gone past since Emerald "saw" someone outside her bedroom window. And two weeks had gone past since I and Mattia last talked together.


It was a peaceful Saturday morning. I had woken up 7 o'clock and was sitting on the kitchen table, scrolling through my phone, when I heard someone enter the kitchen. 

My eyes looked up and were met by another pair of dark brown eyes. A pair of eyes I had been ignoring for the last two weeks.

My eyes quickly darted back to my now shut phone, and I stupidly started swiping my finger across the black screen.

"You know, scientists have proven that to use a phone, it has to be on"

Ignoring his comment, and trying to hide that I was shocked he talked to me, I turned my phone on and continued to pretend he wasn't there.

Silence surrounded me again, and I thought he had left, when he suddenly walked past me and sat down right in front of me. 

I felt his judging eyes, scanning my face, and held my gaze fixed on my phone. 

When he still had not removed his eyes a few minutes later, I looked up at him and raised my eyebrows. "May I ask what the problem is?"

His answer was simple, and overall, not shocking. "You."

I clenched my jaw and turned my attention back to my phone. 

"Cat got your tongue huh?"

Not being in the mood for his comments, I got up from the table and walked out of the kitchen, deciding to sit in the library and read a book instead. 

God knows how much I hate Mattia Polibio.


I don't know how long time had gone past when I suddenly started hearing noises. Blocking out the sound, I continued reading, but something felt wrong.

Deciding to check what was happening, I got up, put my book away, and walked out of the library. 




Confused I made my way up the stairs to where the yelling was coming from, and stopped at the top of the stairs.

My stomach dropped as I saw my mother, sitting with her back against the wall, crying.

I rushed over to her and she grabbed onto me as I sat down beside her.

"Emerald", she sobbed as she clutched onto me as a little child. "Where is my Emerald!"

Not answering, I looked up, into Emeralds room, to see father, Gian, Emilie, Mattia, Amber, Ale and Kairi in there. 

"What is happening?", I questioned and let go of my mother, standing up, and walking into the room. 

No one payed attention to me. 

"What the hell is going on!?", I raised my voice, grabbing fathers attention.

The next thing I heard made my blood run cold.

"Emerald is gone"

 "What?" My voice came out barely a whisper. Emerald couldn't just be gone. I put her to sleep yesterday. She had to be here somewhere. 

Before anyone could say, or do anything, I was out of the room and running down the stairs.


I collapsed down on the floor in the living room.

We had looked through the whole house. We had looked inside and the guards had looked outside. From rooms, to wardrobes, to behind things. We had looked absolutely everywhere, but she was nowhere to be found.

My Dino was nowhere to be found.

Burying my face into my hands, as reality sank in, I started sobbing. 

I felt someone sit down beside me, before an hesitant arm was placed around my shoulder, and I was pulled closer towards a chest.

Not caring who it was, my face sank into the other persons shirt, and I continued sobbing. 

What if I never saw her again?

What if we never found her?

Beside me the other person carefully patted my arm before speaking up:

"Were going to find her. I promise"

Mattia's POV

Emerald was completely gone.

No one had seen her after yesterday when she had gone to bed. The last one to see her was Y/n.

We had completely looked through, both the inside and the outside of the house, but there was no trace of her.

Everyone was now in the kitchen. 

Everyone except Y/n.

Even though I hated her, I decided to go and find her. No one should be alone when news like this are broken to them.

I got up from my chair and walked out of the kitchen. The first place I decided to look was the living room.

As soon as I stepped into the living room I saw her sitting on the floor. She had covered her face with her hands, her shoulders were shaking, and I could clearly hear her crying.

I don't know why, but it felt like someone tugged onto my heart as I saw her in this condition.

I walked over to her and sat down beside her.

Hesitantly I put my arm around her shoulder and pulled her closer to my chest.

Her hands fell down from her face and she buried her face into my shirt, sobbing into it. 

I had never seen her like this. 

Never seen her so fragile...

Carefully, I patted her arm, hoping that this small gesture would somehow calm her a little down, before I spoke up:

"Were going to find her. I promise"

Maybe she would have stopped crying if she knew that I always held what I promised.


Part 18 ✅

I have so much planned for this story :))

So sorry the updates are slow, school has been putting a lot of pressure on me lately :(

Trying to be as active as I can be <3


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