Part 36

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I set off at the same time as Mattia did, both of us grabbing Emerald before she reached Hunter.

"Uncle Hunt! Let me go! Uncle Hunter!"

Her yelling made my heart ache. Hunter and Emerald had always had a close relationship. She saw him as an uncle. As a person, she could trust.

And yet he betrayed us.

"Uncle Hunt", Em wept against me as she clutched a little green teddy bear, I had never seen before, in her hands.

Mattia stood up from beside us and made his way over to the rest of our family that were just standing at the door. Staring.

He lowered his voice and I understood he was explaining everything to them.

I looked over at our guards that had grabbed Hunter's body and was lifting it out of the house. 

Finally, the bastard was gone.

"Stop! Don't take him!", Emerald's voice pierced the silence as she tried to get out of my arms.

"Emerald!", I raised my voice getting irritated by her behavior.

She doesn't know Y/n. Calm down.

"Why are they doing this! Uncle Hunt!"

"Em calm down"

Comfort her.


Something inside me snapped, and I harshly shook Emerald. "He isn't uncle Hunt anymore! What are you not understanding! He betrayed us, and now he is dead!"

She looked at me, tears still dripped down her face, but her eyes burned with something I had never seen before. Never seen aimed at me. 

Her eyes burned with anger.

"You killed him!"

Taken back by the accusation, I opened my mouth to disagree, but before I could, she screamed something that would forever be engraved in my brain.

The three words I hated the most.

The three words I didn't want people to tell me.

The three words I would never get rid of.

The three words I wish I never said to anyone. At least not him.

"I hate you!"

I flinched at her words, and my grip around her faltered.

"I hate you. Hate you, hate you, hate you!"

She pushed me away as she abruptly got off me, still clutching the green teddy bear, backing away from me. 

The look in her eyes made me want to cry. The look of betrayal and sorrow. The look of hate. Pure hate.

"I understand why Mattia hates you!"

Her words were like a blow to the chest. My breathing stopped. My heart clenched.

Panic rose in me as the words replayed in my head.

No, no, no.

I can't lose her.

I can't lose her just because of those three dreadful words.

I got up on wobbly legs. "Dino"

"No!", she yelled. "Don't talk to me!"

Once again, her words wounded my heart, making the ache grow bigger.

"Emerald!", my father's voice boomed in the room. "You don't talk to your sister like that!"

"I don't care!", she sobbed and continued moving away from me. "She's a murderer. She killed my uncle! I hate her!"




The word echoed in my head, and I closed my eyes. 

She doesn't know. She's just hurt.

"That's enough!", Mattia's voice was gentle, but still held that tone to make anyone shut up. 

He walked from where he was standing over to Emerald, but she pushed him away, stepping towards the stairs. 

"Listen to me Dino", his voice was low. Gentle. "Your sister didn't kill him"

She reached her hand up, rubbing her tears away. "She did"

He shook his head. "She didn't. Because I did"

"You're lying!"

"I'm not lying. Do you want to know why I did it? Do you want to know why your sister told you that he isn't uncle Hunt anymore?"

She stopped moving. Just stood staring at him, waiting for him to reveal it.

No. If he told her she would break. She had gone through enough already. I wouldn't let him tell her. "Mattia don-"

Beside me, my mother suddenly stood. Carefully grabbing my hand to not let me end my sentence. Her touch told me what I didn't want to hear. Let him tell her.

"He was the reason...", Mattia's sentence trailed off as he slowly walked closer to her. "that you were gone for an entire week. The reason why all of us were so scared that we wouldn't see you again. The reason why she", he pointed at me, "almost died saving you"

Emerald's mouth opened up and she reached her hand up, wiping her eyes once again. "He wouldn't do that. Uncle Hunt wouldn't do that", she whimpered, but by hearing her voice, all of us understood that she knew. She knew that what Mattia was saying was true.

"People change". He squatted down beside her and reached out, but before he could hug her she turned around, crashing her body into his, hugging him. 

He wrapped his arms around her, softly rubbing her back, as she cried.

Silence surrounded us, except for the soft cries coming from Mattia's chest.

His eyes moved from her and over to me.

There was something in his look that made me mad. He was looking at me as if I was a little kid that had just been hurt.

No, he is looking at you to see if you are ok.

I looked away from him and over to the stairs. I didn't need anyone's pity. At least not his.

My eyes were now fixed on the stairs, and before anyone could stop me, I had walked over to them, heading to my room.

I needed some time alone right now.


Part 36 ✅

I'm not kidding when I say I slightly hated Emerald in this chapter💀

I didn't like this chapter lol.

Mattia and Y/n supremacy coming in the next chapter :)


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