Part 11

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Y/n's POV

"Cheers", Ethan smiled and lifted his glass towards me and Mattia, clinking his glass with ours.

I gave him a light smile and watched as both he and Mattia lifted their glasses to their lips. 

"Y/n do NOT drink that or let Mattia drink that! I think Ethan put something in your glasses", I suddenly heard Kairi say. "It says on my computer that Mattia's earpiece is off. Do something!"

I looked at Mattia and saw as the glass went closer and closer to his lips. If I grabbed Mattia's glass Ethan would be alerted, so I did the second-best thing that came to my mind. I dropped my glass.

The glass shattered beside my feet and I bit my cheek as the glass shards hit my legs, burying into my skin.

Luckily my idea worked and Mattia quickly put away his glass on the table before moving closer to me. "You ok?", he asked worried as his eyes scanned the floor and my legs before he looked back up at me. This guy was really good at acting.

I nodded my head and moved my legs away from the pond of alcohol and glass shards on the floor before looking up at Ethan. "I'm really sorry", I apologized.

He shook his head and got up. "I'll bring you a new glass and get someone to clean this up. No worries". Before I had a chance to thank him, he left the lounge.

"You ok?", Mattia asked once again from beside me. I nodded my head before pulling my legs up on the couch to inspect the damage the glass shards had done.

Pieces of glass were sticking out of my skin and a small amount of blood was leaking from multiple cuts.

"How did you even drop the glass?", Mattia asked confused as he grabbed one of my legs and carefully tried to take out the glass pieces.

I sighed irritated before moving my hand up to his ear and turning on the earpiece. "You can ask Kairi".

As the sentence left my mouth Kairi started explaining to him. "I'm pretty sure there was something in your glasses. If she hadn't dropped her glass, god knows what state you would be in right now", he got done explaining.

"Kairi, my sweet, protective, dumb brother. Why would he put something in our glasses? He doesn't know who we are", Mattia mumbled as he moved over to take glass pieces out of my other leg.

"Mattia, my sweet, protective, DUMB brother. Because he wanted Y/n. Drugging you both is literally the easiest way to get her. You both will probably pass out and he can take her with ease"

Mattia went quiet at Kairi's statement, knowing that he was right.

"Now please, try to take the keys Ethan has without drinking anything. I wanna go home"

With that our earpieces went quiet.

I looked over at Mattia and saw that he was done taking out the glass pieces and was wiping the blood away from my legs. Why was he helping me, and why was he looking so down?

"Why are you helping me Amore?", I jokingly questioned trying to either cheer him up or get him mad. Even though I was still a little irritated after the comment he made earlier I thought it would be better to talk to him than ignore him.

He looked up at me before looking back down at my legs, not answering my question. I decided to ignore his behavior and looked at his glass that was laying in front of him before my eyes traveled over to Ethan's glass.

What if we switched the glasses?

I looked at the door, making sure no one was coming, and reached over and grabbed Mattia's glass. "What are you doing?", Mattia questioned as I was about to swap it with Ethan's. I was about to answer when the door to the lounge suddenly opened.

Instantly I sat back down and pulled my legs away from Mattia's lap. A woman with a maid outfit walked in and smiled at us before she started sweeping the floor. She wasn't paying attention to us and I quickly swapped the glasses.

Mattia's glass was now in front of where Ethan would sit, and Ethan's glass was in my hands.

"Smart girl", Mattia whispered as I handed him the glass. "I'm actually confused as to how you haven't killed me after five years if you are this intelligent", he added.

I didn't have time to answer before the door to the lounge was opened once again and Ethan walked in with a glass and the trophy we had won. 

He ordered the woman that was cleaning to get out before he sat down at the couch and handed us the trophy. "Congratulation once again", he said as he started filling up the empty glass he had brought. I looked at the trophy to see "Matta&Y/n" engraved onto it.

"Here you go", he smiled as he handed me the full glass. I looked away from the trophy and smiled back before grabbing the glass and putting it against my lips pretending to drink it.

As I did that, I felt Mattia pinch my thigh to tell me not to drink it. I mentally rolled my eyes at his stupidity before putting the glass back on the table. I looked over at Ethan to see that he had chugged the whole glass down. Dumbass.


"Why is the fucking room spinning", Ethan muttered as he grabbed the table. A few minutes had gone past and the substance he had put into our glasses was finally starting to work on him.

He looked at us and must have noticed the smug looks on our faces because his face went pale. "You fucking-", he didn't even get to end his sentence before he collapsed onto the couch.

"You were right, Kai. There was something in our glasses. At least there was something in mine", Mattia mumbled as he got up and walked over to Ethan. "I knew it", Kairi answered back.

Mattia searched Ethan's pockets before pulling up a keychain with multiple keys and walking over to the door to the lounge. I got up too and grabbed the trophy as I walked over to him. 

He looked at the trophy before looking at me and gave me a confused look. "We won a competition. Of course, I'm going to keep the trophy", I said. A small smile appeared on his face before it quickly disappeared, and he shook his head. "We can't go around with that if we're going to find the room"

I was about to argue with him when Ale and Amber spoke up. "Come to the dancefloor. Well take the trophy and get it to Kairi"

"No, the trophy isn't important", Mattia answered harshly. "I want the trophy. Why do you always have to do the opposite of what I want?", I replied and looked at him.

"Were fucking enemies Hart. Does it look like I'm going to do what you want?"

"No! But you can at least let me have the trophy!"

"No, end of discussion"

"Polibio please!"


"You know what. Fuck you! I'm keeping it"

"I said no. Do you not fucking understand?", he muttered before slamming me into the wall, making me drop the trophy.

It hit the floor and broke.


Part 11 ✅

Oh no...

I know updates are slow, but as I have written before, my pc is broken and I have to write chapters at my phone. Next update will be in a few weeks, maybe before❤️

Thank you all sooo much for all your patience.

Love you all💋


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