Part 34

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Mattia's POV

She was running up the stairs, and I was right behind her.

Can she just stop and listen to me?

In front of me she reached her room and opened the door, but just as she was about to enter, I grabbed her arm and pulled her back, pinning her against my room door. 

"Can you stop being stubborn and listen to me for two seconds?", I mumbled as I hovered over her.

"One. Two. Times up", she gave me a fake smile and I rolled my eyes.

So stubborn.

"Hart listen"

"I'm done listening to you Polibio"

She tried to move away from me by pushing her body forward, but I put my hand on her hip and pressed her body back down.

She was not going anywhere before I got an answer.

"No, you are not. I want an answer"

She gave me an irritated look and sighed.

"Why do you want an answer? Is what I want so important to you?"

"Yes, yes it is!"

"I don't have an answer. Now let me go"

Clenching my jaw my eyes scanned her face, looking for an answer, before they rested on her eyes. An emotion, I had never seen before, was visible in her eyes.

Those brown eyes.

The eyes that made me fall for her.

The eyes that were always shining.

The eyes that were always smiling towards others... and never towards me.

Why couldn't they smile towards me?

Why couldn't they soften when she looked at me?

My heart hurt at the thought. 

There was no need to push her to answer me.

I knew the answer already...

And knowing what the answer was hurt me even more.

My jaw unclenched, and I let go of her.

Gently pushing her to the side, I opened my room door and walked in, closing it behind me.

I could never have her.

There was no need to trick myself into thinking that she didn't hate me.

Running a hand through my hair I walked over to my bed and collapsed down on it.

I had to forget her. 

I had to make my feelings disappear in one way or another.

But I promised myself one thing.

I wouldn't block her out like I had done the last three months. 

I know it hurt her. 

I don't know why, but it did, and I wasn't planning on hurting her ever again. 

I was done with that.

She could hurt me as much as she wanted, I was done hurting her.

We could be friends?

Would she agree to that?

Ask her!

I sat up on the bed.

Should I ask her?

Should I tell her that I'm tired of hating?

But she hates me!

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