Part 47

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Y/n's POV

"Y/N HART! GET YOUR ASS OUT HERE THIS INSTANT!", Amber yelled from outside my bathroom while vigorously turning the door handle and pounding on the door.

Rolling my eyes, I moved my wet hair away from my face and secured the towel around me. "Jesus Amber, I'm coming. Calm a few notches down, will you!"

I turned around, and as soon as I had unlocked the door, it was ripped open. My sister grabbed my hand and pulled me out, dragging me over to my dressing table and forcing me into a chair. 

Looking at my sister through the mirror, I decided to ask her if this was necessary. "Is this really-?" At the look she gave me, I shut my mouth, not letting the whole question out. My little sister could be quite scary at times.

Still watching her through the mirror, I saw as she inspected every inch of me. Hair, face, hands, and the parts of my body that weren't covered in a towel.

"I will first dry your hair, then do your nails. After that, I'll style your hair and do your makeup, and lastly, I'll help you with your dress." She vanished into my bathroom before I could utter any words out of my mouth. Moments later she was back with my hairdryer and my hairbrush. 

"Shall we start?"


I stared at my reflection in the mirror, observing everything Amber had done. My black hair was dried. Half of my hair was sat up in a crown on top of my head, while the other half was flowing down my back. My long nails were painted black, a small diamond on each finger. 

The makeup on my face was put on with a light hand.  Black and silver eyeshadow covered my eyelids. My black lashes were curled and had a generous amount of mascara on them. The foundation was almost not visible, and my lips were covered with my blackish-brown lipstick. 

Moving my eyes from my face and down my figure, I admired the black ball gown. I was entirely covered from neck and down. Diamonds and rhinestones were scattered all over the gown, on both the front and back. I lifted the dress slightly up to get a better glance at the black heels I was wearing. Thank god they were comfortable.

My hands let go of the dress, and I looked at my sister. A big smile was visible on her face. "You look incredible!", she exclaimed behind me, clapping her hands together. "People are going to be staring only at you tonight!"

I hummed in response and moved away from the mirror, walking over to my door. There was only one person I wanted staring at me tonight. No one else.

Before I had the chance to open the door, my sister's hand stopped me. "Mother and father don't want you to leave your room. Not until the ball has started."

I looked at her and furrowed my eyebrows. "Why?"

She shrugged and maneuvered me back, sitting me down on my bed. "It's only an hour left. I'll run and get ready. If you need anything call me. I'll fetch you when mother and fathers tell me to."

Nodding my head, I watched as she left my room. As the door shut behind her, I pulled up my phone, calling Mattia. It didn't even take a few seconds before he picked up.

"I'm going to turn crazy if I don't get to see your face. Where are you?"

"Where do you think I am?"

"Your room. Can I come over?"

"I don't think that's a good idea. Amber just told me that mother and father want me to stay in my room until the ball starts. I assume your parents said the same."

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