Part 27

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Mattia's POV

Three hours later we had still not gotten any news from anyone. 

After waiting so long, everyone had fallen asleep an hour ago, except me. 

My eyes swiped over everyone. Valentino and Ruby were sleeping, leaned against each other, while Emerald was laying on their lap. 

My father and mother were sleeping just like Valentino and Ruby. 

Amber and Ale were also sleeping leaned against each other. A bit too close to not seem suspicious.

And lastly, Kairi was sleeping alone. His head was resting against the wall behind him and he was snoring loudly.

My eyes moved back to the surgery rooms door, and I ran my hand over my face. 

I was tired, but I couldn't sleep not knowing her condition. Leaning my elbows on my thighs, I rested my face against my palms. 

Suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder. 

I looked up and saw the nurse from earlier. The one I had pushed away when she didn't let me go into the surgery room. 

My hands fell down and I abruptly stood up. 

"Is she-", my voice trailed off and I just stood there, looking lost at the nurse.

Before she could say anything, the door to the surgery room opened, and a ton of doctors and nurses walked out.

The doctor that had told me that it was only a 50% chance Y/n would survive stopped beside the nurse and looked at me.

His straight face was quickly replaced by a smile. "She made it!"

He said it so loud that everyone woke up. 

A breath I didn't know I was holding escaped my lips, and I looked relieved at them before looking behind me at both our families. "She made it"

Smiles spread across everyone's faces as they stood up and made their way over to us.

"Is she awake?", Valentino asked as he looked over at the door to the surgery room. 

The doctor shook his head. 

"She isn't awake, and we don't exactly know when she will wake up. It can take a few minutes to a few hours, even days if we are unlucky"

"Days?", Amber asked confused. The doctor nodded his head. "When she wakes up, depends on how willing she is to wake up".

My gaze wandered over to the surgery room. 

What if she doesn't wake up? 

As if Kairi had heard my thought, he spoke up. "She is going to wake up right?"

The doctor nodded his head. "There is a 100% chance that she will wake up, we just don't know when"

Feeling a bit more relieved I asked him if we could see her.

"Of course, but I only want four people in the room at once, not more" 


After our parents had gone into the surgery room to see Y/n, and returned, all four of our siblings went in, and when they returned, no one wanted to go in with me. Which meant that I would have to go in alone if I wanted to see her.

I wasn't scared of going alone, it just made me... uneasy? Unpleasant? Anxious? 

To be honest I wasn't quite sure what I felt, but I sucked it up, and decided to go.

When I walked into the room and the door shut behind me, I stayed beside the door for a few moments before I carefully started walking towards her. My body tensed as I walked closer and closer to the bed where she was laying. 

Soon I was standing right beside the bed, looking down at her. 

Her skin was pale, her mouth was covered with an oxygen mask and her black hair was sprawled on the bed. Her arms, that were resting on both sides of her body, were covered in a tangle of IV tubes. 

I sat down in the chair beside the bed and my eyes moved from her arms and up to her face. 

"Hart", I mumbled and leaned forward in the chair. "Open you're eyes please"

No answer, of course.

I continued to just sit there and look at her before my eyes moved over to her forehead. Before I could stop myself I reached out and moved away the few hair strands that were stuck on her forehead.

Idiot, what are you doing!

Ignoring the voice in my head I put my hand on her forehead. 

No fever, that's good.

Get your hands away from her. A few weeks ago you could also have been the reason why she is in this situation right now. You tried to kill her. You are STILL trying to kill her. She is your enemy. She will ALWAYS be your enemy.

I quickly pulled my hand away from her forehead as reality finally hit me. The voice in my head was right. 

We would always be enemies no matter what.

I would always try to kill her.

She would always try to kill me.

Abruptly I stood up, but before I could start walking towards the door, I noticed her moving. Knowing that she was about to wake up I briskly made my way over to the door and walked out.

Better to not let her see me in here.


Part 27 ✅

I deleted half of this chapter by accident and had to write everything down again😩 When I tell y'all I wanted to cry, I really did😅

I am beyond tankful for all the support. 

Leave comments, I really love to read them:)

Y'all understanding what is happening?


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