Part 50

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Y/n's POV

"Get up", someone gritted out, shoving something against my back. I clenched my jaw and stood up, ignoring the immense pain in my head. Another item got pressed against my temple and I fisted my hands, telling myself not to do something dumb while two guns were pressed against me.

I couldn't do anything than obey them. I was blindfolded and didn't know where I was. There was no need to do something that would provoke them. At least not when I didn't know where Mattia was.

Keeping calm, I walked where they were leading me. We walked in silence, none of the men that were leading me said a word. A few moments went past before something that sounded like a door opened up. I was forced another few steps forward and instantly felt the wind.

We were outside.

"Continue walking. If you dare to do anything well blow his head off, and yours too", the guy behind me grumbled, pushing me forward. Not expecting the push, I lost my balance and fell. My hands weren't fast enough to register that I was falling, and suddenly my whole body hit the asphalt under me. The only thing that minimalized the damage was the dress I was wearing.

I held back all the curse words that were about to tumble out of my mouth as laughter erupted from all sides of me, telling me that at least five people were surrounding me.

Footsteps approached me and then out of nowhere, someone harshly grabbed my arm, pulling me up. I was slammed against a wall before a hand closed over my throat. "How does it feel to be treated so poorly?", Anotonio questioned, tightening his grip on my throat.

I shut my mouth, afraid that his face would be covered in my spit if I opened it. "Answer my question, Ms. Hart."

A few silent seconds went past without me answering. "You're a stubborn whore, aren't you", he muttered, letting go of my throat and grabbing my jaw. His fingers dug into my jaw, but I still didn't answer.

"Maybe this will make you talk." His hand fell from my jaw and he grabbed my arm, dragging me forward with him. I instantly felt the shift from asphalt to something softer. Sand. It had to be sand.

Antonio abruptly stopped. His hand fell from my arm before the item covering my eyes was removed.

Before looking at him, my eyes scanned my surrounding. I was standing on the sand, just like I had predicted. A few meters away from me, I saw water. We were at a beach.

Snapping my eyes back to him, his green, snake-like eyes bore into mine, and a smirk formed on his face. "Enjoying the view? Let's see if you enjoy this view." He stepped away from me, giving me a clear view of what was a few meters behind him. Or to be more specific, who was a few meters behind him.

My eyes met with Mattia's, and at the sight of him, I pressed my hands into fists, digging my nails into my flesh to hold back the tears. He was on his knees right in front of the water, with his hands tied behind his back and his mouth covered with a cloth. Two men were standing beside him, both of them pointing guns at him.

I knew this was going to happen. I fucking knew.

Letting out a shaky breath, I bit the inside of my cheek and let my gaze move over him, taking in the damage they had done to him. A cut over one eyebrow, bruises and blood all over his face, blood on his white shirt, and finger marks on his neck.

Swallowing down, I moved my eyes back to Antonio. "What do you want from me?", I muttered. Even though I tried to keep my voice as calm and collected as possible, uneasiness and vulnerability crept into it.

He smiled, the snake-smile he always smiled before something was going to happen, and in the next moment, his hand connected with my cheek.

I lunged forward towards him but was grabbed and forced down onto my knees. Someone put their hand into my hair and pulled my head up, making me face Mattia. His eyes were hard as they met mine. Anger and frustration evident in them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2023 ⏰

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