Part 45

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Mattia's POV

I groaned as the light shone into my eyes, waking me up from my sleep. Lifting my hand, I covered my eyes and rapidly blinked. 

Something shifted on top of me, catching my attention. I removed my hand from my eyes and looked at the woman sleeping on top of me.

Half of her face was buried into my neck, and the other half was exposed to the sun's rays. Noticing that her eyes were squeezed shut, I lifted my hand and placed it over her eyes, covering them.

Her eyes relaxed when I blocked out the sun, and she shifted once again, angling her face up, her lips brushing my jaw.

"You're going to be the death of me Amore", I breathed as I rubbed her back with the hand that wasn't blocking away the sun. "I'm addicted to everything about you. Your face, your eyes, your smile, your laugh, your stubbornness. Everything."

She made a sound before her hand reached out and rested on my neck. Seconds later her eyes fluttered open and she looked at me. 

At first, she looked confused, then shocked, before understanding settled in her features and she relaxed.

I smiled and removed my hand, letting the sun blind her. A soft groan left her lips as she squeezed her eyes shut. "Asshole."

Laughing at the insult, I covered her eyes again with my hand, blocking out the sun. When she opened back her eyes, thinking that she was safe from the sun's rays, I removed my hand.

"You really are an asshole", she muttered as she shut her eyes again, burying her face into my neck. 

Another laugh left my mouth, and I brought my lips to her head, kissing her temple. "Always so moody huh?"

"Shut up", she commented back, nuzzling her face further into my neck. "When you let the sun blind me, I'm going to get moody."

Humming in response, I kissed her temple again. "I did block it out before you woke up. You just didn't see it."

"Thank you for doing the bare minimum."

Someone knocked on the door as a chuckle was about to make its way out of my mouth. From my neck, I heard Y/n draw in a sharp breath. "Be quiet."

She lifted her head from my neck and shielded her eyes from the sun. "What?"

"Sorry Y. Have you seen Mattia?", Kairi's voice spoke from the other side of the door.

She glanced down at me before looking at the door. "No, the asshole is probably in his room, sleeping like a pig."

Raising my eyebrows, I amusingly watched as she looked down at me, giving me an apologetic look. 

Kairi laughed from the other side. "You're right, I tried opening his door, but it's locked. He'll come out when he's done resting. Probably sleeping longer to recover from the sleep he lost when you were at the hotel and he slept on the floor."


"I'll let you be. Gotta go find Ale and Amber."

We heard him walk away from the door, and when we couldn't hear his footsteps anymore she turned her attention back to me. 

"Sleeping like a pig?", I questioned her. She gave me a smug smile before laying her head on my shoulder. "He believed it."

"He sure did Y/n."

She reached her hand out, and put it into mine, intertwining our fingers. I lifted our hands and put my lips against her hand. 

"I don't want to keep us a secret", she suddenly said, making me lower our hands and look at her. "But at the same time, I don't want anyone to know. I feel like if anyone finds out, I'll lose you. And I don't want to. I can't. If I lose you, I'll lose myself."

She swallowed hard as she looked at me, waiting for me to say something. Lowering my head, I put it against hers. "You won't lose me ever. The only time you will lose me is when I die."

Pulling her hand out of mine, she sat up. "That's what I'm afraid of Mattia. I'm afraid that someone will find out that we are together and try to end you. I'm more afraid of someone killing you than someone killing me. And if that happens I will lose you. You will never come back to me, Mattia."

"Nothing is going to happen to me", I said and sat up beside her

Turning to me, I could see the stress in her eyes. "You don't know that Mattia. You don't know if someone is plotting to kill you the second these news are out."

"Hart, now you are overreacting. Why would our family kill me?"

"I'm not talking about our family Polibio, I'm talking about other people! If we tell our family about our relationship, how long do you think it will take for everyone to know about us?"

"A few weeks."

"Wrong! It will probably only take a few days before everyone knows about the sudden shift in Y/n Hart and Mattia Polibio's relationship."

"Then let them know about the shift!"

"If they find out they will come for one of us! I'm telling you now, they will fucking kill us. They'll kill you!"

"Hart, it's not that serious, can you calm down?"

"I can't!"

Grabbing her face, I pulled her lips to mine. (Let's ignore the fact that they just woke up. Ew...). She kissed me back, pouring every ounce of her emotions into the kiss: stress, irritation, anger, sadness, fear, joy, everything.

When I finally pulled away, her chest was heaving up and down. "Nothing is going to happen to me Y/n. I have survived the most skillful killer I know. She hunted me for five years, but never managed to kill me. A few life-threatening injuries, but I'm alive. If I can escape her, I surely can escape anyone trying to kill me."

She let out a shaky breath as I rubbed the nape of her neck. "I'll be with you every single step. You're not getting rid of me."

When she closed her eyes, I gently lifted her into my lap, resting my chin on her head. 

"If this ever stops beating", she whispered and brought her hand to my chest, placing it where my heart was, "I'll never forgive you."

"I promise you, it won't", I answered back. "And you know, when I promise you something, I always hold it."

"I know."

My arms around her tightened, and I started slightly rocking back and forth. Maybe I should recite my promises to her.

"I promise that my heart will never stop beating, that no one will be able to kill me, that I will be here whenever you need me, and that I will be here with you every single step"

Her gaze moved up to me and she extended out her ring finger. "Ring finger promise?"

"Ring finger what?", I questioned confused and watched as she rolled her eyes. "You know what pinky promise is, right?"

Nodding my head, she continued talking. "Everyone uses it. Let's make our own. Whenever we promise each other something, we'll seal the promise with a ring finger promise."

A gentle smile made its way on her face, as I extended my ring finger out, wrapping it around hers.

Sealing all my promises with a ring finger promise.


Part 45 ✅

Updates are slower. I have a lot of exams and tests 😒


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