Part 2

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Mattia's POV

I looked around the club trying to spot Francisco Luis. Why the fuck did it have to be so many people here today? I walked around scanning my surroundings when I finally spotted him, but he wasn't alone. He was sitting on a couch with a girl on his lap. Her face had bruises and cuts, and she was looking around desperately. This guy really couldn't stop using innocent girls for his own pleasure...

My eyes suddenly noticed movement on one of the buildings outside the open window beside the couch and my gaze wandered from Francisco and the girl, and over to the building. I squinted my eyes, trying to see if it actually was someone there, but didn't notice anything and turned my attention back to Francisco just in time to see his hand slide into the girl's skirt. That horny motherfucker.

I was about to approach him when suddenly he was hit by a bullet. Everything happened so fast after that. The girl on his lap screamed and ran away from him, his dead body slumped down onto the floor, his blood splattered everywhere, and everyone started screaming and panicking. 

Where did the bullet come from?

I looked back to the building I had been watching a few seconds ago and saw the silhouette of a person disappear. A very familiar silhouette. My eyes wandered back to his dead body and I saw that the bullet had hit him straight in the head, making it impossible for him to even have a chance to survive. As I stood there, examining him I heard sirens and decided to leave the club.

On my way back home, I thought back to the silhouette and where the bullet had hit Francisco. After a few minutes my brain finally comprehended who it had to be, and I clenched my jaw just thinking about her. Y/n Hart. My fucking enemy. 


Just as I got home, I was ordered into my father's office. Fully aware of what he was going to talk about I decided to shower before going to him.

20 minutes later I knocked on the office's door, and was told to come in. I stepped into the room and saw my mother and father there, as well as my two brothers, Kairi and Alejandro.

Kairi and Alejandro aren't my real brothers. Both their families died many years ago in an attack from the Mexican Mafia, leaving them both without a family. Since their families were a part of our mafia my parents took both Kairi and Alejandro in and raised them as their own. We three have been close ever since that. Probably closer than any brothers would ever be.

"Sit down", my father said and nodded towards the chair in front of him. I sat down and looked at him, waiting to hear what he was going to say.

He looked at me, still not saying anything. "Francisco Luis is dead", he finally stated and examined me, looking for any kind of reaction. My expression stayed the same and I looked over at Ale and Kairi to see them both smiling. "Where were you today Mattia?"

"The club", I replied. He sighed at my answer before asking me another question. "What where you doing there?"

I decided that it was better to be honest and told him everything. As I was about to tell him who I saw on the building his phone ringed. He looked down at the screen and his eyebrows furrowed into confusion. "I have to take this", he said, indirectly telling us all to leave the room. "We will talk about the rest later".

I nodded my head and got up from the chair before leaving the room with Ale and Kairi right behind me.

"Bro, finally he's gone!" Kairi said excited and jumped up on my back. Kairi was three years younger than me and had always been like a little brother to me. He was the softest out of us three. Hurting someone was not his thing, but if he had to, he would.

Alejandro on the other hand was a mix of both tough and soft. Being two years younger than me, killing was not a big deal for him, but killing innocent people was not something he would do.

In conclusion, none of them were bad, both had a good heart. Protecting them was my number one mission. If you hurt them, you hurt me.

"You don't know who it was, do you?", Ale suddenly asked as I put down Kairi. "It was Y/n", I mumbled honestly. Just saying her name made me mad, and I clenched my hands into fists.

"So your lover killed him before you", Kairi unexpectedly giggled and quickly moved behind Ale, dodging my hand who was about to hit his head.

"No you fucking idiot", I mumbled and started walking towards the stairs. "Loverboy is mad", Ale chuckled, making Kairi laugh even more. I stuck up my middle finger to them as I walked up the stairs and made my way over to my room, slamming the door behind me.

Me, loving her? Not in a million years. We both hated each other, and I was planning on keeping it that way forever.


Part 2 ✅

How is this chapter?

So I have heard some rumors about the Jersey boys not being friends anymore. Does anyone know what is going on?


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