Part 15

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Mattia's POV

As she untied the cloth from around me I noticed her face fall. It went slightly pale and she clenched her jaw. The distress was clearly visible on her face.

Was the wound that bad? 

I glanced down at it. Not going to lie, it was looking bad, but not THAT bad.

She bit her lip, something she did while thinking, and stared at my wound, as if looking at it would magically heal it.

What was going on with her? I KNOW that she had seen worse wounds. Why was she acting like that?

Even though I hated this girl, I decided that I should try to tell her that I was fine.

"Im fine, why are you stressing?", I questioned. She didn't answer, only looked at my face like a lost child.

Why was this behavior from her making me worried?

"I have had worse injuries", I said, trying to make her less worried. I moved my hand up to my shoulder where I had quite a big scar. "Gunshot"

My hand moved over to my collarbone. "An arrow. Don't even ask me how."

I continued showing her my scars before my hand stopped beside my stomach.

I would never forget how I got this. 

"This is the worst injury I ever had. I actually almost lost my life", I said and looked up at her.

She gave me that...

Five years ago she gave me that, and I am 100% sure she still remembers. 

I looked into her eyes just to see the hardness, that was always visible in her eyes and shielded her emotions, disappear. Instead it was replaced by something I had never seen before. 


No, it couldn't be. She nevner regretted anything, that was something she had told me herself. 

I tried examining her eyes closer, but she blinked, and her eyes were back to the hard ones they always were. 

Damn it.

She looked away, before looking back at me, and motioning towards the bathtub. "Get in. It is easier to clean the wound when you're in the tub".

"So you made me get on the counter for nothing?", I jokingly questioned and gently got down. She ignored my question and grabbed the first aid supplies, taking them with her over to the tub.

I followed her and sat down on the edge of the tub, watching her put down the first aid supplies beside the tub, before she looked up at me.

"Get in."

Damn, controlling much?

"You want me to get in with my pants on? Aren't they going to get wet when you clean the wound?", I asked, and got up, making me stand right in front of her. 

She sighed and looked up at me.

Had her eyes always been this beautiful, or was the loss of blood just fucking with my mind?

I was pulled out of my thought when she snapped her finger in front of my face.

"I asked you a question. Do you have any swim trunks you can change into?", she said a tad bit irritated. 

I nodded my head. "I do, in my room. Mind getting them for me?" I smirked towards her and she sighed. "Where?"

"Still in my suitcase."

She mumbled something, before walking out, slamming the door behind her.

Moody much.

I unbuckled my belt and pulled down my pants, throwing them down on the ground, before I leaned against the wall. The loss of blood made me weak. Weaker than I liked. 

The door suddenly opened slightly, and Y/n's hand squeezed though the crack.

"Your swim trunks princess. Put it on and tell me when I can come in", she said. Her voice had an unusual softness to it.

I grabbed the trunks, quickly pulled of my boxers and pulled the trunks on, before telling her that she could come in.

The door opened once again and she walked in. "Get in the tub. If that wound gets infected its going to be bad".

Deciding to not get mad at her because of her bossy behavior, I carefully sat down into the tub, and looked up at her. 

She sat down on her knees beside the tub and reached for the shower head. 

"Listen Polibio. This is going to sting a bit okey. If you work with me it will be easier."

Instead of answering, my eyes wandered down her, and the only thing I could think about was how uncomfortable she must be in that dress. 

"You can change out of your dress before helping me", I spoke up and looked back up at her. She looked mad at me and shook her head. "If I don't get your fucking wound cleaned as soon as possible it will get worse!"

Why was she so mad?

Didn't she like when I was hurt?

She must have noticed my confused expression because she sighed and ran her hand through her hair. "Just listen to me ok. Just this one time"

I nodded my head. No need to get her more upset than she already was. 

She bent over me, reaching for the on off switch, and turned on the shower. She must have been holding the shower head wrong because it started spraying water, and in the few seconds it took her to turn it off, the bathroom floor, including herself, was soaked.

Letting out a few curse words she handed me the shower head, ordering me to hold it down, and started the shower once again. This time the water stayed in the bathtub.

She grabbed the shower head from me and started washing the wound. I tried not to show that I was in pain but failed miserably as I clenched my jaw and gripped onto the bathtub.

"I'm soon done", her gentle voice spoke up. I opened my eyes and looked at her just to see her already looking at me. 

"Can I ask you something?", I questioned as her gaze fell back down to my wound. "Go on". 

"Why did you want the trophy?"


Part 15 ✅

I would love feedback on what I do good and what I can make better <3

Love you all💋


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