Part 26

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Mattia's POV

"My baby it's okey", Ruby softly said as I moved my head into the crock of her neck. 

"If she dies I'm never going to stop blaming myself", I sobbed as I felt her hug me harder.

After a little, when my sobbing had decreased, I suddenly felt a little hand, gently patting my leg. 

"Y is going to be fine Dino"

I lifted my head and looked at Emerald that was still sitting in her mothers lap. "What did you say?"

She gave me a big smile and repeated her sentence. "Y is going to be fine Dino"

I nodded my head, and she moved from her mothers lap and into mine.

"Don't cry. When I and Amber cry, Y tells us to wipe our tears", she reached out and wiped my tears.

"Smile", she put her hands on each corner of my mouth and pulled them up, attempting a smile.

"And then, she kisses us on the forehead and tells us that everything will be okey", she pulled my face down with her little hands and kissed my forehead. "Everything will be okey"

I closed my eyes.

Everything will be ok.

Y/n will survive.

I opened my eyes and gave Emerald a small smile. "Thank you Dino"

She replied back with a smile. "You're welcome Dino"


Four hours later, we had still not gotten any update on Y/n's condition. No one had exited or entered the surgery room

For every minute that went past I felt everyone getting more and more worried, including me.

Needing to think about something else, I gently nudged Emerald that was still sitting on my lap, and asked if she wanted to come down with me to the hospital shops.

She agreed, and after forcing all our siblings to join us too, we all went down, leaving our parents to stay and wait. 


"You alright?"

I looked over at Kairi who was standing beside me and nodded my head. 


"Im not lying", I mumbled back and pretend to look at the toys in front of me.

His hand was placed on my shoulder and he turned me around. "Look me in the eyes and tell me you aren't lying".

I looked him in the eyes...

And looked away.

"See! You're lying. There really is no need to pretend that you're okey Mattia. You should start showing your emotions more. Just like you did when Ruby was talking to yo-"

I glared at him and he quickly shut his mouth. "No one, especially not Y/n, is going to find out what happened" 


Rolling my eyes, I ignored his question and made my way over to Amber, Ale and Emerald. Behind me I heard him follow.

"Can you guys tell Mattia that it isn't forbidden to show emotions!"

"Do you ever shut up Kai?", I groaned, knowing very well that Amber would start her lecture.

And I was right.

"Kairi is right Mattia. There is no need to hide your emotions. Em, tell Mattia what Y/n always says", Amber said with a mischievous smile.

I glanced down at Emerald and she mirrored her sisters smile. "Y likes men that doesn't hide their emotions"

I groaned and they all started laughing. "I don't like Y/n"

"Tell that to someone who will believe you", Ale smiled as he wrapped his arm around my neck, and ruffled my hair, making it even more messier than it already was.

I playfully shoved him away and shook my head. 

I should tell them now.

"About what happened when Ruby was talking to me. If any of you dare say anything to Y/n about what happened", I let my gaze wander over all of them. "I will make you regret it"

"So we can't tell Y that you were crying?", Emerald questioned. I squatted down beside her and shook my head. "If you do, I will be very mad"

"But why?"

"Because I said so"

She let out a sigh before nodding her head. "Okey, I won't tell her"

I smiled before standing up and lifting her up with me. Quickly I noticed the fingerprints on her neck. "Are you alright after everything that happened"

"Em has told us everything. We will fill you and Y in later". 

I looked over at Amber and nodded my head at her answer. 

Only if Y/n survives...


We continued looking around the stores, and when we walked into a stuffed animal store, my eyes quickly went over to the teddy bear isle.

I walked over, still holding Emerald and grabbed a green teddy bear. The eyes were the same color as the bears fur.

"What do you think about this?"

No answer.

I looked over at Emerald and saw that she had fallen asleep. Her head was resting against mine, and her breath was fanning my neck.

A small smile made its way on my face. I gently rubbed her back, before planting a kiss on her forehead. 

God knows what she had gone through.

Moving my attention back to the teddy bear I was holding, I looked over at our siblings to see them already looking at me. 

They made their way over to where I was standing.

"Will Em like this?", I questioned Amber. 

She nodded her head and looked over at the shelf. Her eyes lingered at one specific teddy bear for a few seconds before she looked back at me and smiled. "She won't like it. She will love it"

I nodded my head and looked over at the shelf. 

Behind me I heard Ale, Kairi and Amber talking.

Taking their distraction as an opportunity, I grabbed the yellowish teddy bear Amber had been looking at and hid it behind the green one

Now I had a teddy bear for almost each of them.

Buy one for Y/n too

I shook my head as if I was shaking the thought away. 

Buy one teddy bear for her too, you idiot.

This time I decided to listen to my head. I reached out and grabbed the light purple one.

Now, I had a teddy bear for each of them.


Part 26 ✅

Get me a man who buys me teddy bears😩🤚🏻

Happy new year to all of you🥳


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