Part 12

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Y/n's POV

I looked down at the floor before looking back up at Mattia. "Fuck you", I muttered before pushing him away from me and kicking the trophy, sending it crashing into the wall on the other side. I grabbed the door handle ready to walk out of the lounge when he grabbed my hand. "Hart-"

"I don't want to hear another word from you. Let's just get out of here and get done with this fucking mission", I clenched my jaw and pulled my hand out of his before walking out of the lounge.

He walked out after me and locked the door. If we were lucky no one would find Ethan until a few hours.

"Where are we going Kai?", Mattia asked as we started walking down the hall, where, surprisingly, there was no one, except for us. 

"Go to the first door to your right. After that take the-", before he was done talking his voice cut off and it went silent.

"Kairi? Kairi can you hear me? Kairi?", Mattia said into the earpiece. No answer.

"Can you hear him", he questioned me. I shook my head and we both turned our earpieces off before turning them back on.

Still nothing.

"How did they just die, and what are we going to do now", Mattia mumbled as he inspected his earpiece before looking at me. I simply shrugged before walking over to the first door to our right. "We'll just have to do the rest on our own".

He nodded his head in agreement before walking over to me. I heard him mumble sorry, for what had happened in the lounge, but I ignored it and opened the door.

We walked in to see six doors, each one of them looking the exact same. I turned around to close the door we walked in through when I suddenly heard noises coming from outside.

He must have heard it too because he grabbed my arm and pulled me towards the closest door. He opened the door and pushed me in, making me accidentally crash into the wall behind me, before following after and closing the door behind us.

The "room" wasn't big. We were literally standing on top of each other. My chest was pressed against his and I could feel his hot breath against my skin. It was a miracle that both of us fitted into the "room".

The noises we heard that was coming from outside the door were now closer, and I could hear two men talking.

"You haven't seen Ethan?", one of the men asked as their footsteps came closer before stopping beside our door. "No, I saw him as he left with the couple that won. Did you see the girl? She was smoking hot. I would have fucked her on the spot if I was her boyfriend", the second guy chuckled.

I clenched my jaw at his comment. If he was standing in front of me right now, I would have killed him.

"You're fucking nasty. But I agree", the first man laughed with him, making me even madder. Who were they to think that they could fuck any women they wanted?

My eyes had now adjusted to the darkness and I looked around us. No way was this a room. I was pretty sure this was some sort of closet. I turned my head back around and looked at Mattia that was in front of me.

His jaw was clenched, and I had noticed that his breathing was getting heavier. He was almost hyperventilating and his heart was beating fast against my chest. His eyes were looking everywhere, and I saw that he was trying to avoid eye contact with me, all the symptoms of having some kind of a panic attack.

The men were still talking outside the door and I knew if I talked to him they would hear it, so I did the second thing that came to my mind. I reached my hand up and placed it on his cheek hoping that it would somehow make him a little calm.

He looked at me and I felt his heart rate increase even more. In just a few seconds my hand was drenched in his sweat and he had started shaking.

I reached my other hand up and placed it on his other cheek before pulling his face closer to mine. "Breath with me okay", I whispered as low as I could, hoping that they couldn't hear me.

He didn't do or say anything back so I breathed in before breathing out, and fortunately, he copied what I did. We did that for a few minutes before his breathing had settled down.

As I was about to let go of his face he grabbed my hands and shook his head. "Don't please. Don't leave me, I hate small places", he whispered in a vulnerable voice.

"I'm not going anywhere", I whispered back before he pulled me in for a hug. I froze as he did that.

Mattia's POV

As I heard noises coming from outside the door, I grabbed Y/n's arm and pulled her towards the closest door. I opened the door and pushed her in before following after and closing the door behind us.

I instantly started panicking when I noticed that the "room" was so small that we were both pressed against each other. I heard someone talking outside the door, but my mind was so focused on trying not to break down in front of her, that I didn't hear what they said.

My usual symptoms of when I was having a claustrophobic attack started coming and I noticed that Y/n was looking at me. I started looking around trying to avoid eye contact with her when I suddenly felt her hand on my cheek.

I looked at her and at that exact moment my heart rate increased, and I started sweating and shaking.

She reached her other hand up and placed it on my other cheek before pulling my face closer to hers. "Breath with me okay", she whispered

I didn't do or say anything back, but she started breathing and I copied what she did. After a few minutes, my breathing had settled down.

As she was about to let go of my face, I grabbed her hands and shook my head. "Don't please. Don't leave me, I hate small places", I whispered hoping she wouldn't let go.

"I'm not going anywhere", she whispered back.

Without thinking I pulled her in for a hug. She froze as I did that but after a few seconds, I felt her arms wrap around my neck as she hugged me back.


Part 12 ✅

I decided to make Mattia claustrophobic :)

I'm reaaaaaally sorry for the long wait on this chapter.

I will be updating more frequently now :)


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