Part 17

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Y/n's POV

I turned the shower off and in just a few seconds I had grabbed a towel, wrapped it around me, and walked out of the bathroom. 

Rushing out of my room, I almost crashed into Mattia who was walking out of his. He was still looking pale and had a worried look plastered over his face. 

We both heard people running up the stairs, and in a few seconds both our parents and siblings were standing in the corridor where our rooms were. That meant all of them were home.

Scanning their faces I noticed that one person was missing. 


Another scream pierced through the air and we all ran over to Emeralds room, where the scream came from.

Opening the door we went in to see her standing in the middle of her room, staring at the window. As she heard the door, she turned around and started hysterically crying when she saw us.

"Mommy!", she sobbed and ran over to mother, jumping into her arms. 

"My baby what's wrong? You scared all of us", mother gently spoke as she stroke her hand over her back, cradling her in her arms.

She didn't answer and everyone started looking at each other confused. Why did she scream?

I made my over to where she had been standing and looked at the window. Did she see something?

Moving over to the window I opened it and peaked out. Nothing. 

"You should get some clothes on. Not sexually meant", Mattia's voice spoke up from beside me.

I closed the window and looked at him. "I heard a scream while showering. My first thought is to check what the heck is happening, not get dressed", I calmly replied back and looked over at our families.

They were all surrounded around mother and Emerald, trying to know what had happened. 

We both made our way back to them, joining their circle. 

Five minutes went past and she was still crying, not being able to tell any of us anything. It was starting to get cold in the room and considering that I only had a towel on I decided to quickly go into my room and put on some clothes.

Without anyone noticing I slipped out of the room and rushed over to my room. After throwing on a hoodie and sweatpants, I made my way back to Emerald's room.

Just as I stepped in I heard Emerald cry out my name. In an instant I was beside her and mother, lifting her out of mothers arms and holding her tightly against me.

"Shhh Dino, it's alright. Im here calm down", I tried reassuring her as I felt her burry her face into my neck. 

"He was staring at me!", she sobbed and clutched onto my wet hair. My brows furrowed in confusion and my eyes wanderer back to the window. 

Could someone have been there? No, that wasn't possible. First of all we had guards surrounding the house. Second of all, our rooms were on the second floor. She must have imagined it.

"Em, sweetheart, I think you maybe just saw a tree or something. No one is able to see through your window when its on the second floor", father spoke up as he lifted her from my arms and into his own.

Everyone agreed, except for one person.

"What is she actually saw someone?", Mattia said, earning 9 pairs of eyes on him. "Im not saying that it was someone there, but what if it ACTUALLY was?"

I shook my head. "Your brain is not thinking straight after the amount of blood you lost today".

He rolled his eyes and turned his attention back to my father. "Im not saying you're wrong Valentino, but it's better to consider what Emerald is saying than to ignore it and think that it was just a tree."

Father nodded his head in agreement. "I agree with you son. It is better to be on the safe side."

Did my father just agree with Mattia Polibio?

Did my father just call him son!?

I was about to speak up, saying that Mattia was making it a big deal, when Emerald asked if we could go out of the room. "I don't wanna be here anymore"

Agreeing on leaving the room, don't even ask me why everyone suddenly were agreeing, we all walked down to the living room.


An hour later, after Emerald had completely calmed down, everyone was ready for bed. We had decided that Emerald was going to sleep with mother and father in their room.

Saying goodnight to our parents and Emerald, the rest of us headed upstairs. 

I was about to say goodnight to all of them and head into my room, when Kairi stopped all of us.

"Do you guys think there actually was someone outside Emerald's room?" 

I shook my head and earned a glare from no one else than Mattia. "She's a kid. She probably saw a tree or something and started imagining things."

"You didn't see what she saw", Mattia answered. I sighed and looked at him. 

"No, I didn't see what she saw, but I know my little sister, and she gets scared of the smallest things. Right Amber?" 

Moving my attention to my sister, expecting her to agree with me, she shrugged. "We don't know for sure Y. Maybe there was someone. Em doesn't get scared that easily".

Even though I was mad and irritated, that my own sister didn't back me up, I decided to end our argument. 

"You know what. Forget it. There is no need to argue about this. Go to sleep all of you, it has been a long day."

Amber, Ale and Kairi said goodnight and left to their room, while Mattia and I made our way over to ours.

I was about to enter my room when I felt him grab my arm. "I just want to look out for your sister Hart."

"You don't need to look out for her Polibio! I DON'T want you to look out for her!"

As the sentence left my mouth I saw his face fall. 

"My hate just grows stronger and stronger towards you every fucking day", he muttered before letting go of my arm and walking into his room


Part 17 ✅

Sorry for the wait on this chapter, I have exams coming up

One is tomorrow😬 Wish me luck😩


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