Part 39

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Y/n's POV

I knew there was always something wrong with the way we hated each other. The flirty moments, the glances, even the way we talked to each other.

Maybe we had just misunderstood our real feelings.

When I had discovered, that I surprisingly did the opposite of hating him, I thought it was too late. I thought it was too late for us to ever become anything besides continuing to be enemies.

Luckily I was wrong.

I was with him now.

We were finally together.


Before we left my room after confessing, I had asked him if we could keep our relationship between just the two of us. I didn't want anyone to know about us yet, not even our families.

He had agreed, saying that he too thought it was better to just keep it between us.

So when we walked into the living room together, where our families were sitting, we both had to hide our emotions. 

Better to not let a smile slip and make your whole family suspicious.

Because of everything that had happened between me and him, I had forgotten why I had been crying in my room in the first place. When I saw Emerald sleeping on my mother's lap, everything came back like a slap in the face.

Her words rang in my ears, and I pulled in a sharp breath, catching everyone in the room's attention. 

Beside me, I felt him getting closer to me when he noticed the sudden change in my demeanor.

I don't want them to know about the shift in our relationship yet.

Don't let them find out!

I cleared my throat, signalizing him to not move closer. He understood and stopped. 

From the couch, my father stood up and made his way over to us. At the look of his smile, my heart felt heavy and my eyes started burning.

He saw what was happening and stopped a few inches away from me, opening his arms.

I went straight into them, holding in my tears.

"I am so proud of you", he tenderly spoke while rubbing my back. "This is my fault, and somehow you have been blamed by Emerald that it's yours"

My mouth was sealed shut. If I spoke I don't know if I would be able to hold my sorrow in. 

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for dragging you into this mess. I'm so sorry my daughter"

"Father please", I whispered, not tolerating how many times he was apologizing for something he didn't need to.

He kissed the side of my head before slightly pulling away. "I love you. Emerald loves you. We all love you"

His gaze moved from me to the man standing beside me.

A bigger smile made its way onto my father's face, and he looked back at me before lowering his voice so only I was able to hear him.

"Even he loves you"

I felt my neck heat up and my father reached out, brushing his knuckles against my cheek. "And you love him back"

Who would have thought my father was Sherlock Holmes?

I knew for a fact that I was in love with the man standing beside me, but was the feeling mutual? Did he love me at all, or was it just a small crush? Did he love me as much as I loved him?

About to disagree with my father, the sentence died on my tongue when I saw Emerald waking up.

My father turned around when he saw the slight panic on my face and then turned back around.

"She didn't mean what she said earlier. Give her some time"

Once again he looked at Mattia. "Come and sit both of you. I'm getting tired of standing here"

We all made our way over to the couches. My father sat down beside my mother and Emerald, and I took a seat beside Amber. 

She hugged me before turning her attention back to her phone.

I kept my eyes away from where Emerald was sitting. Instead, I watched Mattia sitting between Kairi and Ale. They were exchanging words, and playful punches, before he turned his attention away from them and over to me.

Taking a quick glance around the room, his eyes found mine again, and he winked.

Is he stupid! What if someone sees what he is doing!

I glared at him, and he smiled back before I got yet another wink from him.

What an unbelievable man. I shook my head and looked away. 

Big mistake.

My eyes landed on Emerald that was already looking at me. 

Her lip started trembling as our eyes met, and her still puffy and red eyes, glossed over.

My heart clenched at the sight of her. Her words earlier hurt, there was no denial about that, but she was my little, five-year-old sister, who wouldn't understand what betrayal was until she got older.

It was my fault that I hadn't tried to explain it to her in another way. And I know, just as my father and Mattia had said, that she didn't mean what she had said earlier. 

I should have been less mad when she cried over Hunter. I should have talked to her like Mattia had. But I didn't.

Still looking at each other, I felt the urge to apologize to her. So I did. Scooting closer to the side of the sofa I patted the empty spot between me and Amber, telling her to come over to us.

She ran her hands over her eyes, before getting out of mothers grip and making her way over to us. 

Her steps were slow and hesitant, but she continued walking, and when she got to us, she didn't sit down between us. She sat down into my lap, hiding her face in the crook of my neck.

My arms made their way around her and I rested my head against hers.

Small sniffles came from my neck, and I rubbed her back in an attempt of giving her the comfort I failed to give her earlier. 

Around us, I knew everyone saw what was going on, but pretended like they weren't paying attention to us by talking with each other.

"I'm sorry Dino", I murmured and planted a kiss on the side of her head. "No. I'm sorry Y", she whimpered against me, pushing her face further into my neck, sniffling. 

Looking at her like this, I regretted that we had killed Hunter, but at the same time, it was the right thing to do. He had been the reason why she had been kidnapped. 

Pushing the thoughts away, I started rocking back and forth, but it was as if my mind wanted to think about what had happened.

My mind replayed Hunter falling to the ground and our families entering the house. Replayed Emerald's scream and hurtful words. Replayed everything.

I hadn't noticed I had zoned out before someone cleared their throat, bringing me back to reality. 

My gaze moved over to where the sound had come from, and it wasn't a surprise when I saw who it was. 

Our eyes met. 

My upset ones with his worried ones. 

And when he saw the look in my eyes, he didn't hesitate with getting up from the couch and walking over to me.


Part 39 ✅

Any ideas on why they are keeping the relationship a secret?

Trying to update as much as possible, even though school is taking up a lot of time😩


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