Part 41

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Y/n's POV

I was needing his comfort right now, but I didn't want to blow our cover. Not yet. Something was telling me to not let anyone find out about us. When the right time came, we would tell them, but not right now. 

So when he appeared in front of me, I looked up at him, pleading with my eyes that he shouldn't do anything. His jaw clenched and his nostrils flared. Bending down, he stroke his hand over Emerald's hair. A few seconds later he straightened, and out of nowhere, he stumbled forward.

He grabbed the back of the couch, holding himself up. His face had almost hit mine when he stumbled and was now right beside mine. As I was about to move my face away from him, he turned his head in a swift motion. His lips touched my cheek before he straightened up once again. 

"Sorry", he loudly spoke and ran his hand over his face. "The floor of the hotel room didn't let me sleep all night." I looked up at him and caught his lips curled into a mischievous smile, only visible to me.

My cheek started warming where he had kissed me, and the upset feeling I had been feeling earlier was starting to fade. Not completely, but enough.

Who would have thought that the man I used to hate the most would be the man that would be there for me whenever I needed him. That would break every rule for me without hesitating. 

We were so distracted by looking at each other, that we didn't see our parents exchange disappointed looks with our siblings.

I tore my eyes away from him when Emerald moved in my lap. She pulled her face away from my neck and reached out to Mattia. He smiled and took her from me. Wiping her tears away, he whispered something in her ear, causing her to smile and lean into him. He kissed her temple and glanced down at me.

I wanted to reach out. Reach out and pull him down to me. Feel his body against mine. But I couldn't. Not now. Not yet. Not until we wanted to tell them about us.

As if sensing what I was thinking, a small smirk made its way onto his face, before he turned, walking back to where he had been sitting, not throwing me another glance.



Now that the little fight between me and Emerald had been settled, the tension in the room was gone. Everyone was talking back and forth.

I was still sitting beside Amber, stealing glances at Mattia whenever I got the chance. He hadn't looked at me once since he had returned to the couch with Emerald, but that's fine. At least that's what I told myself.

Father, mother, Gian, and Emilie had come over to me. Giving hugs and kisses was something I really needed right now. While mother, Gian, and Emilie went back to the couches, father stayed behind, telling me something about the mission we had been on. While he was talking I remembered the door to my room. The door that had been kicked down.

How was I supposed to tell him?

"Father", I cut him off. He stopped talking and a questionable look took over his face, telling me to continue my sentence. 

"The door to my room- eh. It kinda. It kinda broke down", I mumbled and watched as his expression turned gleeful. "I accidentally kicked it down when I was- when I locked myself out of the room"

Great job Y/n. What a great lie. Locked yourself out of the room. Fucking pathetic excuse.


I nodded my head, putting on my best believable expression. Reaching out, he ruffled up my hair. "I'll look at it later, no worries sweetheart"

A grateful smile took over my face. "Thanks, father". He returned my smile and withdrew his hand, walking over to mother. My eyes made their way to Mattia just to see him still not looking at me. 

Why was I suddenly needing his eyes on me? Why was I suddenly craving his attention, even if that meant just to look at me?

I looked away from him, like I had been doing much lately, and turned my attention to Amber. No need to get that much attached to him that I needed him to look at me. 

But trying to talk to Amber didn't work. She was very busy with her phone, and whenever I tried to see what she was doing, she would move her phone away from me. 

Ten, boring minutes had gone past, and I was starting to contemplate leaving the living room when Amber got up from the couch. She was about to walk out but was stopped when Kairi asked where she was going.

"Eh, toilet", she hesitantly answered and rushed out of the room. 


I kept my eyes on where she had walked out, and not a minute later, Alejandro got up too, walking out of the living room. This time, Kairi was busy and didn't see him walk out. If he had seen him, I'm pretty sure he would have questioned him too.

They both went out almost at the same time?

Without hesitating I got up from the couch. Since Kairi still was busy on his phone, our parents were busy talking to each other, and Mattia was busy talking to Emerald, I had no problem walking out without getting questioned. 

Now, I just needed to find out if what I was suspecting was true.


Part 41 ✅

Oh, what do we think about Amber and Ale disappearing at the same time?


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