Part 42

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Y/n's POV

I stood outside the living room, silently observing if I heard Amber or Ale. I had no idea where any of them had gone when they exited the living room, but something told me that they had not gone separate ways...

Silently I checked the whole first floor. 

No sign of them. That had to mean that they were both on the second floor. Either separate or together.

Walking over to the stairs, I carefully started walking up, being careful not to step on the stairs that made noises.

One foot in front of the other. 

Soon I had reached the top of the stairs. 

As quietly as I could, I walked over to Ambers's room. Standing outside, I put my ear to the door, but before I could listen for any noises, an arm locked itself around me. A hand was placed over my mouth, and I was pulled backward, into someone's chest.

Not knowing who it was, I elbowed the person in the stomach. A silent "ooof" left the person's mouth, and the hand over my mouth fell. The grip around me faltered, and I took that as an opportunity to get out of the person's arms.

I turned around, not knowing who it could be, just to see Mattia. His hand was placed on his stomach, and he had sat down on his knees.

Panic filled me at the sight of him, and I rushed forward to him. Did I hit him that hard!?

Sitting down in front of him, I grabbed his face, forcing him to look at me. He looked up, and just as my eyes landed on the grin on his face, I let go of him. 

Fucking idiot.

Irritated that he had pretended to be injured, ignored me in the living room, AND disturbed my investigation on Amber and Ale, I got up from the floor. 

I had taken a step away from him when he reached out and grabbed my arm, pulling me down into his lap.

"Is someone irrita-", before his dumb sentence could end, I brought my hand to his mouth, closing it.

"Shut up!", I whisper yelled and removed my hand from his mouth. He cocked one eyebrow up in a questioning manner. "What are you doing?"

My eyes drifted to Amber's bedroom door, and he looked over too. When he looked back at me, a smile was placed on his face. 

"No way", he whispered and got up, lifting me with him. He placed me down beside him, and we both made our way to Amber's door.

Placing our ears to the door, we heard talking from the other side. Or to be more specific. Two people talking.

Amber and Ale.

I pulled away from the door and looked at Mattia. "Do you think they are", "together?", he ended my sentence and looked at me. "Definitely"

Pursing my lips together I put my ear back to the door. Mattia on the other hand didn't. He just stood leaned against the wall, his arms crossed over his chest, observing me.

"Is it ok to eavesdrop on our siblings?"

I nodded my head and turned my attention back to the talking that was happening.

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