Part 4

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Mattia's POV

"A little shocked that such a beautiful car belongs to such an ugly woman", I smirked to Y/n. She rolled her eyes before sticking up her middle finger to me and driving out of the parking area. I chuckled at her reaction and drove out too.

I drove onto the main road to see her car around 100 meters in front of me. I speed up and drove my red Ferrari 458 Italia up beside her black Lamborghini Huracan.

"See you next time", I winked at her before driving past her car.

What was going on with me? Why was I staring at her so much and why was I being to flirty? I really hope she didn't notice.

I looked up, into the rearview mirror, to see a little smile on her face.

Wait a minute, was Y/n Hart smiling? Did my comment cause that? No. No way. She hated me. I hated her.

I shook my head, pushing away the thoughts, but they came back. Why was meeting her today so much different from how it usually was? I didn't get mad when I saw her. Killing or hurting her hadn't even struck my mind.

I sighed and focused on the road. We had always been enemies and would always be.

At least that's what I thought...


My mood drastically changed when I got home and was ordered into my father's office. I barged into the room without knocking to see my whole family dressed up. It was 9 in the morning, why the hell were they all dressed up?

"What is going on? Are we going somewhere?", I asked confused as I sat down in the empty chair between Ale and Kairi. They both looked over at me, with stupid smirks covering their faces, before looking back at our parents.

My father nodded his head and looked at me. "We're going to the Hart's".

My mouth dropped and my eyes went wide. No way. No fucking way.

Everything that happened this morning disappeared from my mind. The part of me that was kind to Y/n today vanished and I turned back to the cold, heartless person that hated her more than anything on this planet.

"I'm not going", I muttered and got up from the chair, accidently knocking it over. "You are going, we are all going. Valentino called me yesterday. He wants allies in case the Mexican Mafia comes for them after what Y/n did. If we partner up with them, both our mafia's will get stronger. They invited us all over to talk and to eat lunch with them", my father exclaimed.

I shook my head. "No, I'm not goi-". "Cut out this bullshit!", my father yelled, making me shut my mouth. "Just because you hate one of his daughters doesn't mean we can't help them! You are going!".

He got up from his chair and the rest of them got up too. "Now get dressed and meet up with the rest of us downstairs", he said calmly before he, Ale and Kairi left the room leaving my mother and me behind.

"They aren't that bad Matti", my mother said and put a comforting hand on my shoulder. "She isn't that bad". She kissed my forehead before going out of the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

Did I want to go? No.

Did I have to go? Yes.

I sighed and got up from the chair. Time to get dressed.


We pulled up into the Hart's driveway and parked behind the black Lamborghini Huracan. Y/n's car.

As we stepped out of our car and walked past hers, I pulled out the car keys I had in my pocket and was about to scratch her car. Don't even ask me why I did that. I don't know what came over me.

My keys were about to meet her car when I was stopped by Kairi grabbing my hand. "What are you doing?", he hissed and grabbed the keys from my hand. "Scratching another person's car is not a type of flirting", he joked.

I looked at him with an irritated expression and he handed me back my keys. "I'm kidding, but you have to stop. We are literally going to be allies with them. You have to start cooperating".

He was right, I had to start cooperating and put away my childish behavior, but how?

"Thanks Kai, I'll try", I mumbled and ruffled up his hair to show him that I wasn't mad. He chuckled and pulled me into a hug. "You're welcome Dino".

We got to the entrance to the house and was about to knock when it was opened, and we were greeted by Valentino and Ruby Hart. "Welcome!", they both smiled as they shook all of our hands and led us into their house. 

Not going to lie, their house was beautiful.

I was looking around when I suddenly heard giggling. I turned and looked to where the sound had come from and spotted a little girl in a bright green dress, around 4 or 5 years old, staring at my parents. I assumed that she was the Hart's youngest daughter, considering that I had never seen her before. Her eyes moved from my parents and over at Ale and Kairi before she looked at me.

Our eyes met and she blushed as she understood I had caught her staring at us. She looked over at Valentino and Ruby before running over and hiding behind them, making me chuckle at her reaction.

"Hello there, my darling", Valentino said and lifted her up. "Gian, Emilie, boys, this is our youngest daughter, Emerald. Say hello Em".

Emerald looked over at us and smiled shyly before waving at us and getting down from her father's arms. "Hello. My name is Emerald".

We all introduced ourselves to her, before our parents started talking with each other, leaving the rest of us on our own.

I looked over at Emerald and saw her already looking at me, Kairi and Ale. She smiled as she saw me looking at her and I waved her over to us. She waited a few seconds, thinking about the offer, before she carefully started walking over to us.

"Bow when she gets to us", I whispered to Ale and Kairi. They nodded their heads and as she reached us, we all bowed down to her.

She giggled at our gesture and her smile widened. "Nice to meet you princess Emerald. I love your dress", I smiled to her and reached out my hand. She grabbed it and answered with a cute little thank you, before we heard noises from the stairs.

I looked over to see the Hart's middle daughter, Amber, coming running down the stairs in a yellow dress. She greeted us all before whispering something to Valentino and Ruby.

Valentino nodded his head and looked over at us before telling us to follow him to the dining room.

We entered the room and got seated like this:

I started talking with Emerald as we sat down in our seats and didn't think anything about the empty seat in front of me

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I started talking with Emerald as we sat down in our seats and didn't think anything about the empty seat in front of me. At least not until the rooms doors were opened.

"I'm sorry I'm la-".

I looked up and saw Y/n standing in the door opening wearing a dark blue dress. She had stopped midsentence as she saw us, and by seeing her facial expression, I understood that she didn't know we were coming.

She looked at us, before looking at her parents with the most confused expression on her face.

"Y/n greet our allies. The Polibio's!"


Part 4 ✅

How was everyones day?

Sorry for not updating as much. So much going on rn :/


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