Part 10

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Mattia's POV

I grabbed Y/n as she was about to leave and pulled her back towards me. "Be careful", I whispered before turning her earpiece back on, which I had noticed she had forgotten to do. She gave me a nod before walking away. She wasn't that bad when she wasn't trying to kill me.

I shook my head clearing my mind. No time to think about my enemy, I had to find the guy we were looking for.

After checking the bathrooms, without finding anyone, I decided to make my way over to the dancefloor and find Y/n, hoping that she had found him.

As I got to the dancefloor my eyes landed on the stage where Ethan Hollister, the man we were looking for, was holding up a trophy and talking.

"The lucky couple that wins today's dance competition will get this, with their names engraved onto it. And they will also get a free drink with me in the private lounge"

I smiled. Our mission just got 10 times easier. 

As people started dancing with each other I looked around trying to find Y/n. I suddenly spotted her standing in the middle of the dancefloor, with a lot of guys standing around, staring at her. I exhaled in frustration. This was not happening on my watch.

I made my way over to her and wrapped my arms around her waist. She turned around and we stood face to face with each other.

"May I get this dance, Amore?"

Her eyebrows furrowed into confusion and she scanned my face as if the answer was written on my face. I raised my eyebrows waiting for an answer when she finally nodded her head.

I placed my right hand on her hip, and she placed her left hand on my shoulder before she placed her right hand in my left and we started dancing.

"Kairi get this on video", I heard Ale say to Kairi through the earpiece. I looked to the side to see Ale and Amber dancing together. Both were looking at us with sly smiles. "I already have", Kairi giggled back.

Y/n shook her head at the conversation before looking at me. "Amore?", she questioned with a smile.

"Don't get used to it Hart", I muttered back. She chuckled and patted my shoulder. "I won't, Amore", she said in a mocking voice. 

I clenched my jaw and was about to let go of her when Ethan appeared beside us out of nowhere.

"What a lovely couple. It looks like the chemistry and love between you two can be the cause of your victory", he smiled as his eyes scanned Y/n. Wtf was up with all these people checking her out?

I plastered on a fake smile trying to hide the fact that I wanted to punch him.

When he finally walked over to another couple Y/n burst out laughing.

"What's so funny?", I questioned irritated.


I gave her a confused look and she smiled. "You are so clueless, Amore", she said in the same mocking tone as earlier.

"Hart, I swear to god I'm going to kill you right here, right now if you don't stop with the Amore shit", I muttered as my hand tightened around hers.

"I'm joking Amore", she commented once again.

I heard laughing through the earpiece, coming from the three others and decided to keep calm and try to handle the situation without getting mad.

"Hart. Stop it", I mumbled.

"Make me"

I raised my eyebrows at her comment and unintentionally smirked. Her eyes widened as she understood what she had said, and she gasped. "I did NOT mean it like that Mattia!"

An idea popped into my head and I decided that it was my turn to mess with her.

"Are you sure about that Amore?", I smirked and pulled her closer to me.

Her face was now just as red as her dress, and her mouth was slightly open.

My left hand let go of her right hand and I gently lifted her jaw, closing her mouth. "I know I look jaw-dropping"

"You don't", she mumbled still a little flustered. I chuckled at her comment before I placed my left hand on her hip, making both my hands on her hips.

She moved her left hand away from my shoulder before running both hands through her hair. After doing that she placed both arms around my shoulders and looked into my eyes.

It felt like time had stopped. I got completely lost in her shining dark brown eyes. I don't know for how long we were dancing like that, but suddenly a lot of people cheered, pulling me out of my trans.

I looked startled around and saw everyone looking at us. I looked at Y/n and saw her confused.

"Congratulations to the stunning couple in the middle! We all know how hard it must be but can you two stop dancing and join me up on the stage!", Ethan said, earning a few laughs from the people around us.

We both stopped dancing instantly and my hands quickly left her hips. She removed hers from my shoulders and I grabbed her hand.

"We won?", she asked still confused. I nodded my head and was about to make my way over to the stage with her when I noticed that she was not moving.

I turned and looked at her. "What are you waiting for? An invitation?", I muttered. The comment was supposed to be a joke, but I noticed that it came out harsher than it should have.

She looked up at me and the softness that was in her eyes when we were dancing quickly disappeared. Oh fuck.

"What a bipolar gentleman", she smiled bitterly before looking at the stage and adding "Let's go asshole"

We walked over to the stage, and I could feel that she was mad by the way her hand was holding mine and by how she was walking. This was my fault.

As we stepped onto the stage Ethan shook both our hands and asked for our names before putting his arm around Y/n's waist and pulling her closer to him. "What a beautiful couple! Let's give Y/n and Mattia applause"

The crowd started clapping and I clenched my jaw at what he did. I grabbed Y/n's arm and pulled her out of his grip before wrapping my arms around her shoulders, covering her chest.

We were standing on the stage where everyone could see us. Of course, I was going to cover her chest.

Ethan chuckled at my reaction and put his arms up in surrender. "Sorry, sorry"

I gave him a fake smile and he continued talking.

"Now I would like you both to join me in the private lounge". He looked out at the crowd and added. "Let's give them a last applause before they leave the stage"

The crowd cheered again before we walked off the stage and were guided to the private lounge.

We got there and sat down on the couch. Ethan ordered drinks and, in a few minutes, two whole alcohol bottles and three glasses were brought to our table.

He opened both bottles and poured half of the substance from each bottle into all the glasses before placing one glass in front of Y/n, one in front of me, and one in front of himself.

"Cheers", he smiled and lifted his glass towards me and Y/n, clinking his glass with ours.

I put on a fake smile and lifted my glass to my lips. As I was about to take a sip, I heard something shatter.


Part 10 ✅

Thoughts about this chapter?

I'm having difficulties writing on my phone, so the updates are slower😕


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