Part 8

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Y/n's POV

After explaining what had happened, leaving out the part where I was laying on top of Mattia on the ground, our parents ordered us all to get changed and meet them downstairs to talk about the mission we were going on today.

I walked into my room, grabbed my phone and walked out when someone suddenly called my name. I looked up to see Kairi leaving his room. "I'm sorry for what happened", he quickly apologized and walked over to me. "It's just miserable to see you and Mattia fighting all the time"

I nodded my head showing that I understood what he meant and gave him a small smile. "It's fine. I understand". His face lit up in a smile and he pulled me in for a hug. "Now were best friends".

I laughed at his comment and hugged him back. How did such an asshole like Mattia get such a sweet brother like Kairi. As we both pulled away Emeralds door opened, and she came out. "Sorry Y", she pouted as she opened her arms for me to lift her. I smiled and lifted her up. "It's ok Dino".


"Y/n and Mattia will go as a couple and Amber and Ale will go as one. Kairi will stay in the car and hack the cameras, while looking after you all", my father ended the conversation.

I shook my head, not agreeing to this. "Father no. This is not going to work. What will you do if we suddenly start fighting?", I argued. "We will ruin the whole mission". "I agree with her", Mattia jumped in.

Our parents looked from me to him and then at each other. "If you two can agree on this I don't think the mission will be a problem", Gian commented with a little smile. "I agree. Just don't argue with each other. You two act even younger than Emerald sometimes", my father added. I looked over at our mothers, but they both shrugged and smiled.

This was going to be the worst fucking mission ever.


I smoothed out the dark red dress I was wearing and stared at myself in the mirror. The dress had a V-neck and a slit going down from the thigh. I loved the dress except for the V-neck. It was a bit too revealing, knowing how many thirsty pervert guys there were going to be at the club, I wasn't a big fan of it.

I ran my hand through my hair before slipping on my heels and glancing at the clock. 07.35 pm, time to go. I grabbed my phone and walked out of my room heading downstairs. This was going to be a hard mission.

I got downstairs to see Amber in a light blue dress, looking absolutely beautiful. She was standing beside Ale who was wearing grey pants and a black shirt. To be honest, they would make a great couple. I smiled before my eyes wandered over to Mattia who was talking with Kairi.

He was wearing black pants and a tight white shirt. Im going to be honest, he was looking really good.

They must have noticed that I had come down because they all turned and looked at me.

"Holy! You look so good", Amber exclaimed before walking over to me, hugging me. "Says you?", I smiled back. She let go of me and my eyes moved back to Mattia.

Mattia's POV

I was talking with Kairi when I heard someone coming down the stairs. I didn't look up instantly, but just as I did my jaw dropped.

She was wearing a red dress with a slit going down her thigh. I would have been lying if I said she wasn't looking stunning. The only thing bothering me was the V-neck the dress had. I have no idea why it was bothering me, but it did.

Amber instantly walked over to her sister hugging her, telling her how good she looked. She smiled and complimented her back before looking at me.

I could have complimented her, but as the jerk I was I just stood there staring at her. "Polibio", she smirked before snapping her fingers in my face. I jerked back and Ale and Kairi started laughing. "Looks like someone is stunned", Ale snickered as he looked over at Y/n.

"In her dreams", I mumbled and looked away. She playfully rolled her eyes before looking at our parents who just happened to walk into the room.

"You all are looking absolutely stunning", our parents commented. "Now off you all go. Mattia will take Y/n in his car and Alejandro will take Amber and Kairi in his".

I wasn't in the mood for any arguing and grabbed my car keys before we all left the house. The V-neck on her dress was still slightly bothering me.

Y/n's POV

Ten minutes into the ride and we had still not said a word to each other. I refused to sit like this another ten minute and decided to make small talk with him.

"I like your car", I awkwardly said. He looked over at me before looking back at the road. This asshole. I clenched my jaw and decided not to talk to him after all.

Ten minutes later we arrived at the club. I decided to strap the gun and knife onto my thigh and pulled up my dress. I made sure the gun had the lock on before strapping it onto my thigh. As I was going to strap on the knife, I noticed Mattia staring at me. I looked at him and he quickly looked away.

I got done strapping the knife onto my thigh, beside the gun, and pulled my dress back down.

"Here". He handed me the earpiece all of us were going to use to communicate. I put it into my ear, and he did the same before we both turned them on.

"Can yall hear me?", Kairi questioned. We all answered yes before Kairi repeated the plan.

I looked over at the big black Mercedes Benz GL 350 and watched as Ale and Amber walked out of the car. He smiled to her before grabbing her hand and walking over to the entrance.

"When you are inside, Amber, you will walk over to the bar, and Ale, you will walk over to a place where you can see her. We are not letting any of the girls out of our watch". 

"Got it", they both answered.

I looked out of the window as both of them disappeared into the building before running a hand though my hair. "No need to be nervous Hart", Mattia spoke from beside me. "Who said I was nervouse?", I questioned and looked over at him.

He shrugged before I heard Kairis voice. "Mattia, Y/n, your turn".

We both stepped out of his Ferrari and he walked over to me. "Let's get over with this", he commented and reached his hand out to me. I grabbed it before we walked into the club.



Part 8 ✅

Things are about to go down ;)


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