Part 19

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Mattia's POV

10 minutes had went past, and I was still holding onto Y/n. She had not removed her face from my chest, and I wasn't planning on telling her to do so either. Instead I closed my eyes, and rested my head against the couch behind us, thinking about how Emerald could just disappear.

My eyes quickly opened back up when a though came to mind.

Could Emeralds disappearance, have a connection to the person she had seen through the window, in her room, two weeks ago?

I looked down at Y/n before gently nudging her. "Hart. Could Em's disappearance have anything to do with what happened two weeks ago?"

"What happened two weeks ago?", her strained voice asked against my shirt.

"The person in the window."

As the sentence left my mouth, her head shot up, and she looked at me with a despairing facial expression. 

"Oh my god!"

Her hand went up to her forehead and she started cursing herself out.

"This is my fault. Oh my god this is my fault!", she said on the verge of tears as she looked at me. 

"Hey, hey, hey, calm down! This is no ones fault. We don't even know if what I said is true", I answered, trying to assure her that nothing was her fault. 

She got up from the floor, and I copied her actions. "We have to check the camera room. From both yesterday night and the night two weeks ago"

Nodding my head, we both rushed out of the living room and towards the camera room.


The recording from two weeks ago showed, that what Emerald had been saying was true.

We stared at the computer screen, as we saw a person appear with a ladder outside her bedroom window. The person put the ladder against the house wall and climbed up, before placing their face against the window.

A few minutes went past and then something white shone, the person was smiling. Right after, the person quickly climbed down, grabbed the ladder, and was gone. 

I started the recording from yesterday night, and we watched closely. Soon, the exact same person from the recording two weeks ago, appeared on the screen with a ladder.

Once again, the person placed the ladder against the house wall and climbed up, but this time it didn't just stop there. The person reached out, and before we knew it, the person had opened the window and climbed into the room.

Soon enough the person climbed out of the window. This time with Emerald over the persons shoulder.

Clenching my jaw at the sight, I watched as another person came into view. Emerald was tossed down to the other person, before the first person climbed down, grabbed the ladder, and they both disappeared. 

I stopped the recording and we both blankly stared at the computer screen, taking in what we had just witnessed 

"She told the truth ", Y/n whispered, breaking the silence. "She told the truth and I didn't believe her. No one believed her except you".

I felt her eyes on me and I turned my head, looking back at her.

I had never seen her so...

So defeated.

So hurt.

So broken.

"We should have listened to you. I should have listened to you. We should have checked the cameras the same night Em told us that someone was there. I should have believed her. This is all my fault. This is all me fucking fa-". Stopping her rambling I covered her mouth with my hand and raised my eyebrows.

"If you continue speaking nothing will happen. We have to tell the rest and try to find out who it was".

For the first time, in five years, she agreed to what I said.


We were all sitting in the living room, staring at the black tv screen where we had showed everyone the recordings. 

No one said anything. 

Everyone was silent, taking in what they had just witnessed. 

"Valentino, we have to find her", Ruby desperately said as she got up from the couch, walking over to her husband. "Tell the guards what we saw. Let's all go out and look for her". She sat down beside him. "I want her back today", she whispered and leaned on her husbands shoulder.

He wrapped his arm around her and pulled her closer. "I will go talk to the guards. We will send out a few men, and try to identify the people in the video".

She closed her eyes and he gently kissed the top of her head before getting up. 

"I'll come with you Valentino", my father spoke up, and soon they both were out of the room. 

"Ma", Y/n's voice spoke up as she moved over to her mother with Amber. They both sat down on each side of her and she opened her arms, both daughters leaning into her.

"We will find Emerald", Ruby said as she stroke their hair. "We will find her."

I looked away from them and over to my brothers, who were sitting beside mother. Both of them were already looking at me.

Standing up from the couch, I signalized them to follow me, and walked out of the room. Not even a few seconds after I had stepped out of the room, they both were beside me.

"Im going to do everything I can do to get Emerald back home as soon as possible, and I need help from both of you", I said, earnings nods from both of them.

"Just tell us what to do"


Part 19 ✅



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