Diggle & Felicity🎖🧠

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Imagine: Diggle being confused

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Imagine: Diggle being confused.
"Yes!"Felicity pumped her fist in the air."I did it!"
"Really, babe?"You asked, rushing over to see.
'Babe', Diggle mouthed the word silently and looked to Oliver who just shrugged.
Felicity had been trying to hack into an incredibly secure system for days and you knew that it was secure if it took her more than a few minutes to get past the firewall.
"I'm in, Oli!"Felicity cheered as he walked over.
You pulled her up to face you and kissed her softly.
"I knew you could do it."You told her.
She blushed wildly and kissed you again.
"I'm confused."Spoke Diggle as you and Felicity pulled apart."Are you two together?"
"Yeah, kinda."Your girlfriend nodded.
"Finally!"He exclaimed.

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