Slade Wilson👁

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Imagine: Helping Slade with an injury

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Imagine: Helping Slade with an injury.
"Oh my god."You gasped as Oliver came back with an injured Slade."Y-you're shot, you're bleeding!"
The younger man manoeuvred his elder onto a table.
Slade gave a loud groan but appeared to be in much less pain than anyone who had been shot probably should.
"What happened?"You asked as Oliver began looking around for something.
"Slade got shot."He replied before grabbing his bow and some arrows.
"Yeah, I can see that but what I meant was-"You turned to see the blonde man about to leave."Where the fuck do you think you're going?"
"I need to make sure no one followed us back."Oliver stated as if it was obvious.
You looked at him incredulously."Your friend has a bullet in his arm!"
"A bullet that you're going to remove."Slade's gruff Australian voice came from behind you.
You turned, your eyes wide."What?!"
"Well, Oliver's certainly not going to do it."The bleeding man informed you.
Glancing back to the entryway you noticed that Oliver had left, presumably the moment you turned your back to him."Son of a bitch."
"Oh god! Oh god! Oh god! I feel something!"You almost puked as the pair of tweezers you were holding hit something hard, making a soft clang, in Slade's arm.
He let out a low growl."Yep, that would be the bullet."
"So do I know...pull it out?"You grimaced.
"Sooner than later."Slade grunted.
You took a deep breath."Here goes."
You plunged the pair of tweezers further into the man's arm and he let out a quiet yell, grabbing onto your upper arm and pulling you closer.
"Pull it out!"Slade demanded.
"Ok ok!"You caught the bullet with the tweezers and yanked it out with little care.
Slade shouted aloud and let go of you as you stumbled back, dropping the bloody bullet and tweezers onto the ground.
Still in shock you barely heard Slade thank you.
"No problem."You told him."But I am never doing that again."
He chuckled."Let's hope you don't have to."

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